spooky spectacle | contest one (closed)

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Hello there! And welcome to the first graphics contest of this lotto! It's nice to see you all here

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Hello there! And welcome to the first graphics contest of this lotto! It's nice to see you all here.

I named the contest as such because it officially closes on Halloween! Which I thought would be cool.

So, the new school year is about to start and it's going to be a busy one for me with coursework, my project and my A levels at the end of the year so I decided it would be best to get this contest done in the earlier part of the school year.

Wattpad is my escape. Whether it's making graphics or writing a book, it's a great way for me to put away my troubles for a while. And I do really enjoy both writing and making graphics, they've actually both been big hobbies of mine since I was a child, in one form or another.

Anyways, enjoy the contest!!! I can't wait to see what you all come up with and if you know anyone else who would be interested, don't be afraid to send them this way.

Good luck one and all.


1. PLEASE BE KIND, I CAN'T tolerate rudeness of any kind. No one likes a sore winner or loser so please don't be rude when the results of this contest come out. If you are mean to anyone or comment something hurtful, you will be disqualified and blacklisted from this lotto.

2. YOU CAN SUBMIT ANY SORT of graphics, for example: covers, gif banners, scene edits, video edits, aesthetic boards etc as many times as you want. All that matters is that it's your OWN work, not plagiarised (which is illegal) because if it is, you will be banned from this contest and any future contest I will host as well as being disqualified and blacklisted.

3. PLEASE TRY TO MAKE SURE that your graphics can be sent through Wattpad and if you're posting your entries on Wattpad, please tag me in the comments section or the page.

4. THE DEADLINE FOR THIS CONTEST is currently set for the 31st October 2023. I may also give out extensions to those who need them, the deadline isn't really an issue.

5. TO JOIN THIS CONTEST ALL you have to do is comment 'In' and tag 3-4 people who you think would like to participate: this is the password so please don't forget it.


Just a reminder, your entries must be based on one or more of the following books which I have written or drafted. The cast in brackets don't have to be added, they are just there in case you want to, they're the extended cast. Also, if you require more information about one of these books to make the graphic, or would just like to know more about the characters and themes, please private message me and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions.

MAYHEM | GRAPHICS LOTTO ²Where stories live. Discover now