"Where are we going to eat anyway?" I asked him hugging myself slightly while in the car. It was still nerve-racking being in here, but as long as I keep looking outside and stay up front... I should be fine.

"Oh, just a small pizza place. It's near the center of town and close to something else I thought you would like to see after we eat and talk to the family for a bit." Sabre tells me while he keeps his eyes on the road. He is a very safe driver... I don't think I've ever seen him road rage, break any laws, or even speed over the limit.

"That sounds nice... what did you want me to see afterward?" I asked him a bit confused. I saw him grin.

"That's a surprise for later." He didn't say more about this surprise while we drove into the center of the city. I am not sure what took us longer, getting there or finding a parking spot. He finally manages to park the car in a safe spot and stops the engine.

"Well... Are you ready to meet them?" He asks as he gets out goes over to my side and opens the door for me. I get out of the car as he closes and locks the car. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," I tell him as we walk a small way to the restaurant. It was fairly busy and was packed with a few people. Outside there were a few people well, two guys and a small girl. They seemed to be waiting. One of them seemed fairly tall with blonde hair, and blue eyes, and was wearing an orange tank top with brown jeans. He was the one holding the little girl with brown hair and green eyes. The other guy stood a little shorter than the other. He also had blonde hair and was wearing a brown shirt with black shorts. He has grey eyes though.

"Hello! Are you Sabre and Rainbow?" The taller man asked. Sabre nods to him.

"Yes, I'm Sabre. You are Jake correct?" He asks and reached out his hand. The man Jake reached out his hand and shakes Sabre's hand.

"I'm Rick. And this is our daughter Ella. Do you want to say hi?" The shorter man looks at the small child. She looks at the two of us then hides her face. I guess she is really shy. Jake laughed a bit.

"It's okay Ella don't worry." Jake rubs her head as he continues to hold her.

"Hi..." My voice trailed off before I could try to say my name. The two men looked at me and waved.

"You must be Rainbow, you look even cuter in person!" Rick says. I manage a small smile as thank you.

"Lets head in and order a pizza okay? So we can all eat and get to know each other." Sabre suggests and gestures to the front door. Everyone seemed to silently agree. We waited in line for a few minutes and soon were seated down at a table. I quickly sat next to Sabre while Jake and Rick sat next to eachother with Ella in the middle. The adults stared to talk and Ella looks at me.

"Hi...." She mumbles looking at me.

"Hello." I say back to her. She then points to my head.

"Why is your hair red and orange?" She asks me.

"I just like them this color really. D- Sabre says it's okay to express yourself in different ways, even through changing your hair color." I explained. She smiled a bit.

"That means I can make my hair pink if I wanted too?" Her eyes widen with this new realization in life.

"Yea... but you might want to ask your dads first-" she started tugging on Rick's arm. He looks down.

"What's up little pumpkin?" He asks.

"People can change there hair like he does! Can I have my hair pink!" She asks excitedly.

"Hmmm yea, they can. We might not turn all your hair pink... but maybe we can do the tips." He suggests.

"Yay!" She smiles a bit and then seems quickly disinterested in me as she draws on a menu. I listen to my Foster Dad.

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