Beach Day

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All my friends chatted as I did my best to stay calm on the bus. Today was a field trip to the beach and I was excited to go there again. Even if it was without a dad... It should be just as fun with my friends. We aren't allowed to go swimming since the water is still cold. It was hard to hear my friend's conversations. We even sat in the front of the bus, but the loud voices from the back of the bus made their way up here.

I sad as close to the front of the bus as possible. I felt safer up here. I focused on looking outside at all of the passing cars. I needed to keep this memory out of my head. I don't want to have a freak out on the bus. Especially not in front of my new friends. I tried to forget about my old foster dad. When he would take me to the back of his car at night whenever it was too busy in the house to do it without others knowing. I would scream, kick, even bite... but I was never strong enough to stop it each time he-

"Rainbow? What's your answer?" I took a deep breath and froze looking over at Neel.

"Sorry, what did you say? It's hard to hear in here." I laughed nervously.

"Which is better? Apples or pineapples?" Adam repeats himself. I think about it for a moment. I've never had a pineapple before... so my answer is the only one I have tasted before

"Apples, but I've never had a pineapple before," I admitted to him. Fern looks over at me shocked.

"You've never had one before?! You are missing out!" Adam shakes his head.

"They are sour and the juice is sticky." Adam rolled his eyes. Neel shakes his head.

"They are both good. I just like the meme." Needs to smile a bit.

"What meme?" I questioned, Neel shrugged.

"If you know you know, if you don't you don't." He didn't push it after seeing my embarrassment.

"Well, would you rather eat a pineapple or a carrot?" Fern insisted.

"Well, as long as it has ranch a carrot is better." They continued to argue whether or not a pineapple was good or not. I laughed a little and looked out the window feeling my fears slip away the more I listened and the closer we got to the beach.

When we arrived we were told where we could and couldn't go. Teachers remind me of not being able to go into the water. Still, we were soon left free to do as we pleased on the beach. Me and my friends got away from other groups to sit down in the sand. It was warm, but not warm enough to play in the water. Me and my friends went ahead and made sandcastles on the beach. Adman and Neel worked on one together while I worked with Fern. We were trying to see who could make the biggest one.

"Me and my mom made the biggest sandcastles once! We were at the beach for the entire day making it. My face was so red afterward." Adam brags a bit. I smiled at him.

"Well we don't have all day is time, but I can't wait to see how cool it is... I'm not great at making sand castles." I admitted. Fern was helping me a lot through the build. I made sure to get all the sand we needed.

"Why not? Me and my parents come here all the time. Especially during the Summer." Neel looks over at me.

"My dad and parents come here all the time with me too." Fern smiles. "Even on cold days, we make it a competition to see who can last the longest." He giggles a bit.

"Well um...." I stuttered a bit. All I know is that I transferred here from a school nearby. I asked the teachers not to mention my situation with my dad. I didn't like talking about my foster parents... because everyone thought it weird. Some kids even get scared thinking I'd spread it. Stupid kids I guess.

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