The🚦Traffic Light Trio are poor for a day!

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*Flextape is online*

Flextape: Uh guys has anyone seen Kaminari?

* 💥Boom boom boi💥, F*ck Endeavor, Give me sum money💸, Speedy🏃, Ribbit🐸, Headphone jack🎧, Mom(o)🥰, Pinky👽, Revelry in the dark😈, AnimalCaller🐻, Tailz, 💪Many arms man💪, Sugar Rush🍰, Ghost!?👻, ✨Can't stop sparkling✨, and Purple Perv🤢 are online*

Mom(o)🥰: No, but maybe he is in his room.

Flextape: I already looked and he was not there, so that is why I am asking you guys.

Headphone jack🎧: Well I haven't seen him!

Pinky👽: Now that I think about it I haven't seen Kirishima either.

Ribbit🐸: Maybe they are together kero.

Speedy🏃: Yeah we all know how close they are! Nothing to worry about!

💥Boom boom boi💥: CAN YOU GUYS SHUT THE F*CK UP!🤬

PInky👽: Calm down Bakuhoe.🙄

Speedy🏃: LANGUAGE Bakugou! This is the gc the teachers can see! Refrain from using that type of language!👋

💥Boom boom boi💥: SHUT IT FOUR EYES!

F*uck Endeavor: Has anyone seen Midoriya? I have been looking for him, but I cannot find him.

Give me sum money💸: I have not seen him since class ended earlier.

Ribbit🐸: Me as well kero. Maybe he is training?

Ghost!?👻: They are probably fine!😊

*Dadzawa😴 is online*

Speedy🏃: Oh Mr. Aizawa have you seem Kaminari, Kirishima, and Midoriya?

*BoneBreaker☠️, ⚡Charger⚡🔌, and HardOn🪨 are online*

HardOn🪨: Sensei, why did you call this meeting?🤨

Speedy🏃: What meeting Kirishima? Why was I not informed?

Mom(o)🥰: Wait was there a meeting?😦

Pinky👽: I'm confused?

Dadzawa😴: Boys I'm holding a meeting.

HardOn🪨: I literally just f*cking said that!😤

Speedy🏃: Language Kirishima! That is no way to speak to a teacher! Show some respect!

Dadzawa😴: You three need to change.

Headphone jack🎧: Which three?

Give me sum money💸: Who?

BoneBreaker☠️: I like me just the way I am.😎

Give me sum money💸: We do as well Deku-kun!🥰

Mom(o)🥰: You are so precious!🥺

Flextape: Yeah dude!😁

Dadzawa😴: You're the oldest kids and you're setting a bad example.

Give me sum money💸: No way! Deku-kun is so innocent and pure!☺️

Speedy🏃: Yeah I agree with Uraraka. 👋

Headphone jack🎧: I mean he is not wrong about Kaminari.😂

Flextape: Yeah and Kirishima makes sense as well, but not Midoriya!

HardOn🪨: Setting a bad example for who?🤨

Pinky👽: Yeah who are they setting a bad example for sensei?

Dazawa😴: Toru, Tsu, the other one-

Ghost!?👻: Um what?😐

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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