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 Nervousness engulfed byul, when she took a seat. Keeping her head down, preparing for the worst outcome.

 "Miss?" Someone said tapping her shoulder, she looked up to see a fairly handsome man, probably in his early 20s, he had black shoulder length hair and a pair of glasses with a golden frame. "Miss kim said she wanted to see you in her office, would you follow me there?" He whispered, she got up from her seat and started following the man into a long hallway. 

 At the end was a door, with a plate that read "CEO". The man opened the door, causing byul to get anxious once again. 

 "Why do I have to meet them?"

 She wondered taking a seat, there was woman seating on the chair infront of her, her face faced the window. 

 She swiftly turned around, to byuls shock it was the woman in the lift. 

 "What's your name?" She questioned warmly, once again smiling at her, causing byul to feel butterflies. "Byul. Moon byul yi," she replied in a low tone, "Hey, there is no need to be scared, I'm not going to bite" she began reassuring byul, 

"Bite me? I'd love that, wait. WAIT, no, wait, no. I'd not like that. No way. Snap out of it byul."

 "My names kim yong sun, I'm the ceo of Taeyang Inc. I was wondering if you could be my personal assistant. The pay will be higher than the position you applied for, I'll make sure of that?" Byul knew she needed the money, she wanted to support her sister no matter what. She nodded in response, causing Yong to smile once more. "Call me yong, I reserve my name for people I want to get close to. Would you like to go out for dinner sometime?" She questioned, hoping byul would say yes. 

 Wanting to show a good first impression to her boss and also that she was going out with someone who was alluring, she replied "yes, maybe not today. But someday." 

 "Alright then, tell me if you need anything" she beamed, "you must be very busy,  tell me what I should do?" Byul asks, wanting to do her job perfectly. "Nothing, just sit here with me" she started, "also, what should I call you. I can see from your portfolio that you are an year younger than me." She Inquired, "anything you want," byul answered, trying to make the conversation less awkward. "Huh, okay, I'll remember that."

 "You may go now, come back here tomorrow morning at 8. Call me if you want someone to pick you up," stated yong, waving goodbye to byul

 "Damn that was...... something. 

She's quite pretty, easy to talk to. Not to mention pretty.

What, byul shut up. She's your boss." Byul mummers to herself, driving home.

 "Byul, unnie? Did you get the job?" Wheeins best friend, hyejin asks. "Yup, I didn't get the position I wanted though. Became a personal assistant to the ceo, she said she'll pay more than the position I interviewed at first for," shrugged byul, "congrats, unnie" the two congratulated, running and hugging byul.

 "I've a question, is she pretty, unnie?" Questioned wheein, "I mean, ya. Probably straight and she's my boss" byul stated the obvious, 

 "How do you know She's straight? She could be bi or a lesbian for all you know?" Wheein Inquired, "I dunno, just guessing" shrugged byul,  "shouldn't guess," "also I'll take you car tomorrow, unnie" wheein added.

 "God, now I'll have to ask her to come and pick me up."


Yong is smitten irl and in this.

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