2. Jeather Jackets & Worn Out Converse

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Harry was obviously ignoring his blaring alarmclock. It wasn't that his bed was incredibly comfy or that the blankets were so soft, but Harry was hungover and his bed was not bad. He chuckled at his own stupid pun and sat up, stretching his arms above his head. His shoulders made a statisfactory knack as it jumped back in place.

Although he was hungover, he didn't have the usual banging head ache, he had been smashed drunk for so many times, the only remains of the morning after effects were that he was incredibly sleepy in the morning.

Harry groaned and stepped out of his bed, unplugging his Samsung from the charger along the way. Carefull not to step on any of the mess on the floor, he manouvred downstairs to his kitchen. His house was, like always, eerily silent and on mornings like this, the silence annoyed him. Harry sometimes wondered what it was like to have someone living with him that he could talk to in the mornings and care about, but his family had left him to live on his own since he was 15 and relationships weren't it for him. No, he decided, he should better stick to his one night stands.

It was 11:13 when he left the house ten minutes later. He had missed the first two classes already by sleeping in but he didn't care. Luckily, he went to community public school and they didn't care either.

Like always, he wore his black leather jacket, his curly hair styled up with a quiff. A tight white muscle tee clung to his trained body and tight black ripped jeans covered his legs. He wore black worn out Converse, a double lip ring and another one in his eyebrow. Whole his appearance screamed Trouble but Harry wasn't too bad, especially at his school. It wasn't like he walked around with bloodshot eyes because of heroine or other shit. Sure, he did some drugs from time to time at parties but he wasn't addicted.

Harry parked his motorcycle and entered the school building. It was old and badly painted but it was stable and held everything together just fine.

"Harry, mate, there you are! Didn't think you were gonna show up anymore!" With a smile on his face, Harry turned to the direction the voice came from. He was met by the sight of his two best friends, leaning to the wall with a smoke. Of course they would skip class if he wasn't there and smoke inside the school building, he wouldn't expect anything else.

"Niall, where's your trust in me man, I am such a good student, I wouldn't even dare to think about it." The sarcasm was very evident in his voice and Luke snorted.

"Oh please, even a dog would be a better student then you are."

Harry playfully glared at the lilac haired boy. "Lucas Robert Hemmings, are you 100% you want to compare me to a dog?"

Luke opened his mouth, most likely to make another witty answer but the loud bell cut him short.

"Oi, saved by the bell mate." Niall chuckled, raking a hand through his bleached hair. "Gonzalez's really pissed on you though, Haz, he told you you couldn't miss any of his classes anymore."

Harry smirked slowly, his eyes twinkling in mischief. "And I told him I didn't care. Now are we going to go to class and pretend we're good or what?"


"He fucking wants me to write a goddamn five page essay!" Harry groaned as he walked out of the principle's office. Mr. Gonzalez, the principle, hadn't been too happy with his abscence today.

"Are you gonna do it?" Luke asked lighting another cigarette and giving it to Harry.

"Of course not." The other lad snorted and took a drag of the stick. Leaning back to the wall, he slowly popped the smoke out in small circles. "Who do you think I am? I'm not a nerd. Anyway, where's Niall?"

"Taking a wee." The lilac haired boy chuckled, taking a drag of his smoke too. " 'M not surprised you're not gonna do it, if you were, you'd be like a poshy."

"Don't say that word!" Harry snapped, frowning at Luke. "You know I don't like it."

"I'm sorry man, I forgot." Luke replied, not so sorry at all. "It slipped my mind. Why do you hate the word anyway? Poshy" Harry hissed and Luke went on, undisturbed. "Poshy isn't such a bad word. It's just how we call them."

"Yes, and it is objectifying." Harry retorted. "It are humans, just like us, not things, we should treat them like it, not like they're some weird alien race."

"They call us punks!" Luke sniggered. "They call us punks, addict, druggies. You want to say that isn't objectifying?"

Harry sighed, they'd had this conversation over one hundred times. "It is, too, and I'm not saying it is right, but they can't be blamed for being rich. Their parents just have a lot of money and they can't help being raised the way they are."

"Yes they can. I mean look at us, I don't think any of our parents have raised us this way." Luke's tone was daring, because this was a new argument. Sadly for him, Harry had a response ready.

"My parents don't care what I do, but theirs do, they watch over them like hawks because they want their kid to become the perfect next businessleader. Can we just stop this conversation? The word just holds wrong connotations with me and I don't like to conversate about it okay?" Harry lied, he lied straight through his teeth.

"Talking about the P-word again are we?" Niall butted in, still obscenely buckeling his belt. "You know, it's funny cause Harry is all swear words and shit but as soon as we start talking about poshies, his talk gets really sophisticated and difficult words."

"Shut the fuck up Niall." Harry hissed "You know I fucking like to read and when I feel like it, I most definitely can built my arguments." It was true. On his whole Badboy appearance there were only two blemishes. One was the hate for the word poshy, the other was his complete addicting to reading. Harry was a devoted reader. He was the kind that could open a book and get lost for hours, laughing at the happy parts, crying at caracter's deaths.

Niall raised his hands defensively. "Sorry mate, just sayin'. Now hand me a smoke fucking please." He leant back to the wall next to Harry and Luke, getting a smoke handed by the latter. Harry got himself another cigarette too since the other one had dropped to the ground and died out during the argument.

He looked up to the road that was across from the school to see a deep dark purple McLaren break at the red light. He knew the car, it was expensive but also fast and awesome. His eyes met the driver's, scanning his face swiftly. His eyes were electric blue, so astonishing blue that Harry wouldn't have been able to notice the colour hadn't they been so bright, and his hair was feathery and brown. All together was the boy a bit feminine and petite and he was staring to the three of them. Harry smirked at the boy and took a slow drag of his cigarette. Instead of flinching, as Harry expected, the posh boy kept looking at him with a bit of longing in his eyes until the lights turned green. His lips twisted up in a slight smile as he threw Harry one last glance, before pulling up in the purple car and driving away.

Staring of into the distance, Harry took another drag of his cig, thinking about the odd boy. As much as he disliked the word, he'd never seen a "poshy" act that way. Yes, the boy was most defitely odd.

Wordcount: 1329


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