Chapter 24 part 2

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Mirabelle's POV: Delphine and her friends stayed in battle tents. I shared one with her, and although it wasn't my Del and possibly wasn't even real, I enjoyed it. When we're not in danger, I miss being friendly with her. A horn jolted us awake. We got ready and began preparing breakfast. Finn has just returned from hunting for breakfast. I didn't like eating dead animals. Ugh. "What's wrong, princess?" he must have inquired, staring at my glum expression. He sounded annoyed yet again. When I told him he wasn't comfortable, he sighed. He placed the animal on the table, pulled out a spear, caught a fish, and said, "Breakfast."

I was still not a fan. "There is no other choice, Mirabelle! He raised his voice, pointing to the fish on his spear. I ate the fish while still feeling uneasy. I've been gone for five days now. I hope everyone is alright. My phone was not operating in this location. We reviewed the strategy after breakfast. My initial choice was to discover the truth. Finn cocked her brow. "How do you think we'll discover the truth? "Head to the castle of Solmon! Jack exclaimed.

Del gasped, "Why is that a problem? I asked why she had gasped. " Solomon Place was never closed off here because of the energy used for the war," this version of my father explained. After they took over the realm, the 36 ghosts remained to guard it; it's a ghost kingdom."

I recall the book Clorinda mentioned: free will vs. determinism. Another disadvantage of free will is that the spirit is still present. Despite the fact that there had been greater teamwork, even if it had been for the wrong purposes, there was more information on the outside as a result. Long-term reliance on deterrence, presuming that good will always triumph, is admirable, yet it violates people's rights. It's difficult to discover a solution, but perhaps the first king of Auradon could tell us the truth about what happened.

I learned to trust my instincts and needed to know that, yes, I am a princess and should improve my kingdom. It's no longer only about France when it comes to the wrongs and rights we face as modern people around the world. For a long time, history had been lost, but if I could help in any way, even if it meant putting myself in danger, I told them, "I need to find the truth, please. Delphine looked at me as if I were insane. " It's your death wish.

A map of Auradon's first kingdom, known as the 'Dynasty of Lothlorien,' where my version of my parents went, and Jack hopes to regain his magic. While the others return to confront the Clorinda army, travel north. We rode our horses to the kingdom. It took us a few hours to get there. My gemstone charm flashed back and forth like the headlights of a car. What exactly is going on? "What's up with your magic? Jack inquired. Before I could respond with an I'm not sure, a spirit appeared and tried to attack us.

I dodged it, but Jack was hit. I took out my sword. The magic doesn't work, but I'm hoping to utilize it anyhow. They surrounded us since there were 36 of them instead of just one. A dark cloud rose in the sky. "Please, we came here to uncover the truth. We are not here to cause you harm." A scream sound subsided, sounding more like loud crying. All of the spirits that my friends had seen in our world had vanished.

I had no idea where I was. I was surprised by the spirit voices. "Do you really want to know what happened? A person appeared inside the spirit. Is that what your initial friend group hoped to achieve when they sought to get rid of us while we were free? They were taken aback when they realized, "You were attacking us; we had no idea what happened. He gave a nod. Well, being imprisoned for over a thousand years does something to your head. Plus, I'm not sure why we're arguing anymore. All we wanted was to be heard. When a body's spirit is lost, it becomes a lost soul. I could lead to the last spot where I saw my king, but it's too complex to explain. I simply don't recall myself. Dark purple vanished and was reintroduced into the earth.

I climbed a hill and discovered a dilapidated castle. Inside, the throne room had burning royal flags on the ceiling and a royal throne. Clorinda was wearing a black garnet ring. Astral projection appeared, and the king used the gemstone to remove dark criminals who were mistaken for heroes. Though his slaves erected statues of him and magic came at a cost, the villagers were at a loss for words when it came to battling. Too much light and worship is not a good thing because destiny has been avoided.

As a vow to safeguard them, a binding enchantment was cast on the kingdom. Despite the fact that it was a cover-up, he believed that devotion was vital in order to make the kingdom better. When the attack occurred, it was insufficient. The kingdom was destroyed at the conclusion of the day. People closed the portals, and one of them was in the Forest of Dean. The flashback was over. This makes sense. It makes sense to be familiar with the statues. "The statues next to the greenhouse were," he lamented. "They were people killed as a result of the attack—a man who was too preoccupied with his pride to deal with the issues. No, it was more than that, based on my experience on the opposite end of it. "I believe he is scared."

Perhaps the black garnet does not bother you. What if the gems are obeying commands? How do we put them to use? There might be another option. Dark or black magic could work with the Fantasia charm. "How?" questioned Spirit. All of the information was in Fantasia; perhaps I needed to return home.

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