1;destroy her.

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Five minutes, that's all Lillie, five more minutes of this dreadful get together, with dreadful individuals, who quite frankly are only here to boast about their luxuries.

"Babe," I tilt my head to my "boyfriend"  Oliver's voice. Just like the rest of the people here he's one to brag about his wealth, that's the only reason we're really together. After all, the rich only dates the rich.

"Yes?" I reply, giving little eye contact to his displeased features.

"Would it kill you to smile? I know you hate these things but it's not you who gets it in the ear afterwards. After all, I'm sure your father won't be please too hear from my mother that you've been setting us a bad impression, right?" He smirks, he just loves mentioning how fussy my father is over making our family look good in front of our judgmental peers.

Stupid rich people.

"Well, if-"

"Attention," John, the home owner of the house we're in interrupts, "I would like the thank the community for attending today. Have a nice evening, goodie bags are located by the stairway. Thank you."

"Thank heavens for that." I mumble.

"Yeah babe," Oliver sighs, wrapping his possessive arm around me as we walk, "I could think of much better think that we could've been doing." He winks. Dirty pig.

"Mhm, sure you could." I huff, pushing his broad arm off me.

"Don't be so uptight Lillie. I mean, you are going to be my wife some day." I cringe at his amusing words. Never, am I going to want to marry that unfaithful slob. Dating him by my parents demand is bad enough. Every second of everyday I have his sneaky hands on my body.

"Oliver, stop. I told you my thoughts already."

"It will happen Lillie." He says with a more serious tone, whilst grabbing my hand.

"We're seventeen." I remind him as he escorts me to his car.

"So what? You're mine and I'm yours."

"It doesn't seem that way while your wheezing your way into other girls." I roll my eyes. It doesn't actually bother me that he's having sex with other girls, I don't love, or even like Oliver. What bothers me is that he thinks he controls me; I'm his pet.

"Well honey. If you would give me something we wouldn't have this problem." He chuckles, referring to me refusing to have sex with him.

"I want to lose it to someone I love Oliver."

"You don't love me?" He pouts. Shortly after doing a slight smirk.

"Shocker." I reply sarcastically, tightening my seatbelt.

"Do you want to come to the club tonight?"

I mentally sigh, "When have I ever wanted to go to the club Oliver?"

"Your father wants me to take you out."

"Yeah... I'm sure he don't want me going clubbing then."

"Why should I change my plans for you? I don't want to have the bore of sitting with you in a five star restaurant. I already have plans, and you're coming."

"You wouldn't give up your plans for me?" I fake pout, as he always does.

"Maybe," he replies.

"That's if I get something in return." He winks, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Forget about it, asshole." I sigh, hitting his hand.

"Be ready by nine then. And don't forget, it's a nightclub, not church."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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