Start from the beginning

"I'm not dating Pansy." Draco screwed up his face.

"You best tell her that. She's obsessed with you." Blaise said.

Outside of the hall, the car went unnoticed as it shook and swerved around.

"Up! Up!" Harry shouted.

"It's not working!" Ron said as he pressed all the pedals beneath his feet. They both tugged on the up lever but to no avail and they continued to fall quickly.

"Up! Mind that tree!" Harry screamed.

"Oh my god they're gonna crash into the whomping willow." James ran a hand down his face.

"That car isn't gonna last very long if they do." Young Remus said.

Harry tried to pull on the lever again and Ron pulled out his wand and began to wack it on the wheel. "Stop, Stop, Stop." He screamed but it only caused his wand to snap in half against the wheel and some smoke came out of the top of the broken wand.

"You broke your wand!" Charlie said, wide eyed.

"Yeah I was stuck with it for the whole year. Not very useful. But also sort of." Ron shrugged.

"Why didn't you ask for a new one Ron?" Molly asked him.

"Didn't wanna bother you. You already threatened to put bars on my window." Ron said.

Ron stared at his broken wand horrified and that look doubled as he saw they were only getting closer to the tree. As expected, the car crashed straight into the tree and got stuck there amongst the twigs and branches. It rocked back and forth on the branch it was on before falling backwards onto another one, and then another one until it feel forwards again and rested on a larger branch.

"My wand. Look at my wand." Ron said, scared expression upon his face.

"I think your wand it the last of your worries, get out of that tree!" Older Remus said.

"Be thankful it's not your neck." Harry said.

Something smashed into the side of the car and the two shot their heads around to look over at it. "What's happening!" Ron squeaked.

"Ron did you turn into a mouse just then." Bill asked.

"No!" Ron said.

"Sounded like it." George laughed.

"Remy Where's your chef's hat gone!" Nova laughed and Hermione seemed to be the only one who understood the joke as she laughed as well.

"I don't know." Harry said as there was a loud growling and a huge fist-like chunk of the tree came pummelling towards the car and smashed on the bonnet of the car as the boys screamed. The windshield began to crack and smash as the tree kept hitting the car rocked about and another branch smashed through the back window of the car, creating a whole. Another branch crashed into the back of the car causing it to have a large dent in the back. The car was being smashed about from all sides and the boys screamed bloody murder inside the car. A larger combined part of the tree smashed down on the top of the car causing the side windows to smash glass on them and the roof began to cave in.

"Oh Merlin." Lily said.

One large smash from the tree to the back of the car and the car was pushed forwards and sent tumbling out of the tree and crashed harshly down on the floor with a small bounce.

When the car was on the ground, the entire tree bent backwards.

"Fast!" Harry shouted and Ron pushed the handbreak forwards and stepped harshly on the pedal and they drove away quickly as the tree crashed to the floor where they had been seconds before.

The doors of the car were thrown open and the boys were tossed out of their seats by the car and into the gras field. Then the car opened the boot and sent their trunks and things flying out of the boot to land on the grass. And finally, the car flung the back doors open and sent Hedwig and Scabbers flying out in their cages and Harry and Ron caught them.

"Scabbers! You're ok!" Ron cried.

"Oh yes worry about the rat when you've just almost been pummelled to death by a bloody tree!" Barty scoffed.

"It's about time that rat died now anyway." Percy said.

"Wish it had died to that tree." Older Sirius huffed.

"Don't spoil things, they don't know anything yet." Older Remus whispered to him.

The car slammed its doors shut and began to drive itself away from the boys along the field.

"The car!" Ron shouted and the two began to run after it but after it went through a tunnel out of the field they watched as it drove straight towards the forbidden forest, past Hagrid's hut and it disappeared into the darkness of the trees.

"My car!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Arthur! Be happy your son is alive!" Molly hit his arm.

"Dad's gonna kill me." Ron said.

"It'll be alright Ron." Fred assured him.

"Yeah don't worry, at least now mum can't shout at us for driving the flying car to Surrey." George added on.

"That's not very reassuring." Ron said.

"Surely a flying car isn't allowed anyway?" Marilyn said.

"Probably not, because muggles would see them." Rebekah said.

"Which is exactly what happened." Alex added on.

"Did you enchant another car Mr Weasley?" Daisy wondered.

"Unfortunately not. I thought it wasn't such a good idea. I got in a bit of trouble at work you see." Arthur said sadly.

"At least the tree is effective at keeping people away." James whispered to Remus.

"Yeah but it almost killed your son." Young Remus said.

"He's almost died loads of times according to Nova and anyway he was fine." James said.

"You know Lils, all this danger your son is getting into I think you're getting grey hairs." Young Sirius said, picking up some of Lily's hair but she slapped his hand away with an angry but pouty look on her face.

"Don't listen to him Lily-flower you are gorgeous as ever!" James said putting his arm around her and twirling her hair with his fingers.

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