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I was just hanging out with taylor whenn she started complaning about her period cramps. "ughh these cramps are the worst" she said while holding her stomach " Ikr they are the worst" I say to her we kept talking for a while until I said " well... I've had food poisioning and my period is late sooo yeah" I saw taylor's eyes light up as she said "OH MY  GOD Y/n M/n L/n YOU'RE PREGNANT" " SHUSH there might paparazzi here I dont want pregnacy rumors about me spread and also I am not pregnant" I quickly respond quitely "okayyy but we are taking that pregnacy test" she says " no no no theres no we in this you're taking one not me" I say to taylor " come onn theres a convince store right there we'll just buy the test and leavee" she said '" fine" I say

we drove back to my house we were the only ones there taylor took a pregnacy test to" ooo what do you think they'll call me auntie taylor ,tay-tay, mama, momma, mummy mommy? ooh do you think we should start saving up for there collage" said taylor in excitement "tay stop you dont even know if we are pregnant dont get your hopes up" I say to taylor "okay fine I'll stop" she says "good but please dont  upset if I'm not pregnant" I say to her "I'll be a bit sad" she replys with we talked until we got our results "its been 2 mins lets check it" I say to her both of us kept taking deep breathes "ahh I'm to scared to look" I said " fine I'll check it for you" as she held my hand and turned the tests over  "OH MY GOD WE ARE BOTH PREGNANT" screamed taylor joyfully

we both went to the doctor to see if are babies were okay the doctor found out that the babies were okay and that both of us were having twins as we walked out of the clinic taylor said " how should we tell Junior and Aziel" "I dont know" I respond with "okay I'll just tell him today" she tells me " me to" I lie to her


A week had passed I still didnt tell junior or my sons I was 3 weeks pregnant I had to tell Junior hes the father he has to know I walked into the living room where all the boys were sitting at wacthing netflix as I took a deap breath I said " Guys I have to tell you something" they were all listening I took another deep breath and said " I'm pregnant...

// Endless\\Ronaldo Jr x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now