Chapter 2

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions).

My mum has OCD. She saw me writing my blog-actually she stood behind me watching me write. I only found out she was behind me because she started to spin off at me about how could I have started a blog with 'Chapter 44'. Boy did she go mental. I pretended that I changed it to 'Chapter 1' but I didn't. Why do I have to start my blog with Chapter 1. How do I even know this is the first chapter in my life? How would you know? So, I chose 44 at random. Now I chose 2. Don't ask me why.

So my mum has OCD and my step dad is a pig.


Shit, my mum is still standing behind me.

She just slapped me- quick call 911 this is child abuse.


Above is evidence of the forceful hit my mother just gave me. Propelling my body into the keyboard and typing those random keys you see above.

You're stupid if you believed me then. My mother wasn't behind me. I fabricated everything from "Willy."

But, boy did you get lost in the moment. If not? Congratulations you're not a total shite head like everyone else who successfully fell for that. But, don't get too big headed. You're still at the same level of social hierarchy .

So I guess this will be my lesson for today.

Don't believe everything you read.
But, believe me because I'm telling the truth.

Xoxo Gossip Girl.

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