Chapter 44

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To be different means to be distinct or separate. This is all bullocks because I don't think I'm distinct from everyone else, and I don't think I'm separate from this politician world. Yet, everyone seems to think of me as 'different'. I'm not, they just need to change their perception and take a good long look at themselves.

I know I'm no different from those cheating scums who call themselves college material. I would be lieng if I said I made it through college with flying colours. I told my mentor that I'm a dumb shit, and yet he still insisted that I had some talent. People these days need to stop trying to improve and encourage others to do well and use that same energy and bullshit for themselves. That's why they do it, because they can't find the will to do it themselves , so they sign up to try and help others. I know this, because Rick flunked college and had to study at a lower level and go through many courses to get where he is now. He didn't tell me. I may or may have not broken into his house to shag his girlfriend. What? She wanted it.

So, I'm writing this blog. I don't know why but after watching 'Awkward' it helped me realise that pouring all your thoughts on a blog can be very theurapeutic. If it works for Jenna Hamilton, I'm half sure it'll work for me.

Hey Guys!

This is my first shot at what I think is classified as a fanfic. Our colourful protagonist is Taron Egerton a.k.a Willy Newver. He's shown on the photo above(:

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