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I'm off today and I just decided to stay in the hotel, no point in spending money. I need to save up all I can until I figure out what I'm going to do. I decided to text Billie because I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

Hey it's the girl from the hall, my name's Danielle by the way

I hook up my phone to the tv and screencast Netflix so I can continue Ratched. It's a really good show and I started binge watching it last night but was rudely interrupted. I was about halfway through my third episode when my phone dinged.

Hi sweetie, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I was wondering if you'd like to go on date with me sometime?

She's very straightforward. I like that but I also don't know her at all. Why not though, I'm not dating and she's hot, can't really get better than that.

Sure. Just let me know when

I reply and she texts back instantly.

Tonight? Or is that too soon?

I mean dam, she's extremely straight to the point. She must really want to go on this date or maybe is just very busy.

Sounds good... what time?



Well I guess I have something to do tonight then. I start looking for clothes that are appropriate to go out in. I pretty much brought my whole wardrobe with me, which isn't much. I do own a few dresses and it seemed like the correct attire given how she was dressed when I saw her. She seems like a woman that always dresses up, so I feel like I should too.

Not that I want to impress her but, I do want to make a good first impression. I put on a dark green dress that comes mid-thigh and pair it with black strappy heels and gold accessories. Once I'm fully dressed, I decide to just leave my hair down as it looks better with the outfit. I don't do any makeup since it's the one thing I didn't get to pack.

A knock on my door stops my happy little reminiscing session about 'home'. I check myself in the mirror and head over to the door, opening it with slight hesitation. I feel like my breath is immediately taken away as I lay eyes on her, my gaze roams her body hungrily. Clad in a creme blouse and black dress pants with white heels, pearls as accessories and natural makeup.

Once I'm out of my trance, I really look at her to see she's taking me in just as much as I was doing to her; which makes me feel at least a little less creepy. "You look magnificent" she says in a low tone while looking me in the eyes like she wants to eat me and it easily makes my knees weak. Get a god damn grip, Danielle.

"As do you" I say gesturing to her, she uses this opportunity to take my hand in hers and kiss the back of it making me smile softly. "Let's go, shall we?" she asks and I nod allowing her to lead me into the elevator, the ride spent in comfortable silence. She gently ushers me into the back of a car and instructs the driver to take us to a restaurant I've never even heard of before.

We soon arrive and immediately get a table towards the back of the restaurant, right in front of the patio. "I figured it might get chilly, that's why I didn't order a table outside. However, if you'd like to, we can" she offers, "this is great" I reply happily and she nods while smiling. I noticed how she said ordered and not requested.

I let her order for me, since I have no clue what to get, and we start off with small talk which is absolutely killing my brain. "You look like you're dying, am I that uninteresting?" she asks jokingly but I can hear a hint of insecurity in her voice. "No it's not that, I promise. I just really hate small talk" I say, sighing dramatically causing her to laugh.

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