Who's A Good Boy?

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Sweet little notes that, while they may seem stiff to an outside perspective, made him warm. It even put a smile on Hitoshi's face and Eri absolutely enjoyed finding her own little notes from her other father. Shouta was subtle in his affection, but he knew his love languages. Knew that while his was physical touch and affection that his husband's leaned more towards those words of affirmation. In the soft praises and sweeter words, he could croon to him. Assurances of his love even if his husband would scoff.

Roll his eyes as he called them cheesy despite the delight he'd see there. For he knew they made his husband happy. Saw it in the warmth that would glow in those dark eyes. The pink spots that would bloom on his cheeks wit ha smile twitching at his lips before turned his face away. More often than not the black-haired man would need them after a particularly hard day. And his own love languages were always used. Always came into play when they were twisting together on the couch. When they drove in the car.

When they curled up under the blankets with soft murmured words in the darkness of the room. When arms would circle his waist as he was making breakfast for them. When Shouta would nuzzle his cheek to his own or burrow his face into his shoulder. Under his hair. It was easier for his husband to give that physical affection when he and Eri often came to him for it. Shouta's love language may be words of affirmation but physical touch was a strong second. That his husband wanted it just as much.

Needed it just as much but he never seemed to know how to say it properly. Often silently shuffling up to him only to bury himself in his arms. And he never questioned it. Had never questioned it over the years. He loved it when Shouta took that initiative to establish a hug or a cuddle. Loved nothing more than when Shouta would often spend an early morning tugging him into a hug that had him pinned to the counter. His face nuzzled into his throat as his head rested on his shoulder was always the best.

They were the mornings he looked forward to the most as he got to smell the musky vanilla of his soaps. If anything, he truly appreciated it. He never knew how wound up or stressed out he would be until Shouta was sidling up to him. Tugging him to his chest as fingers combed through his hair. When he was being given the honor of hearing that deep voice humming softly to him. Crooning a soft song if he was lucky as he melted into his husband's chest. It was always wanted. Always something he needed from Shouta.

And the black-haired man knew how to provided it. Knew how to give it to him without so much as a word. Shouta, for all his faults and reservations, truly was attentive. In tune with him the best he could be. For no one could truly be in tune. On exactly the same page in a perfect harmony and they both agreed on that. However, it didn't mean he couldn't read Shouta like the open book he was. That they didn't know all they needed to when someone was in distress. Upset. Stressed. When something needed to be met.

They had their routines that melted seamlessly with one another allowing them to work together in tandem. To exist together. And in the few days after their bathtub sex, he was never happier than to see that joy in his husband. It had Eri gravitating towards the black-haired man when they were shoveling. Rushed over the snow as she shouted over her shoulder for him to come with her to the backyard. To play a game with her. It always made him smile to hear Eri dragging a few of those hearty laughs out of his husband.

To have her running towards him to sweep up into his arms with a squeal after having rubbed snow into Shouta's hat. Into the black locks making them chaotic as he gave a smirk before she wriggled out of his arms to run back to the backyard. Always with Shouta hot on her heels until she was squealing and shrieking out of view. It was a routine they had until the sun dipped and Eri was being carted up the stairs by Shouta for the night. He even got the pleasure of hearing the man humming in the shower at night.

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