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001.2. August 17th, 2009. A new fear discovered.

Silent as night now they all stop after hearing the scream and loud footsteps. There was a soft panting they could hear from the other side of the wall. Whatever or whoever it was, it was in the other room.

Aidan looked to Valeria and Iris before he looked back to the door. He carefully approached it and went to place his hand on the doorknob before it opened revealing the man they were hearing before.

The man looked thankful to see other people. Aidan allowed him into the room and shut the door behind him. There was a heavy moment of silence before Valeria spoke up. "Any reason you were screaming like a bitch?" She asked him with her left eyebrow raised.

The man finally caught his breath and groaned at her words. He went to insult her back but, decided to just answer honestly. "Because, something was chasing me. Not someone, well.. it looked sort of human but, almost undead." He explained.

Valeria pointed her finger over at Aidan. "SEE! I fucking told you we were in an apocalypse." She added confidently.

Iris shook her head. "Uhm.. guys, I don't think that's something we should be celebrating. This is seriously dangerous!" She added concerned.

Aidan sighed. "It's really whatever. We can just stab them or something." He added and shrugged to look back to the man with long blonde hair. "What's your name?" He asked him.

The man smirked. "Well, my name is Kushiro Ren, but you lovely ladies can call me anything you like." He flirted with them.

Iris pouted and took her necklace off. She held the crystal centre in her hand to let it turn into her staff before she hit the top of Kushiro's head with the end of it.

"Ow-" He let out and rubbed the area of his head where she hit it. Valeria just laughed at that. Valeria looked to him and seemed amused with him being hit by Iris.

Valeria just now realised something and looked to Iris with a confused look in her eyes. "Wait, how did you do that?" She asked her, referring to the staff.

Iris looked to the staff in her hand to transform it back to her crystal necklace. She put the necklace back around her neck and answered Valeria next. "Well, I'm somewhat of a fairy." She explained.

Valeria scoffed out a laugh and crossed her arms. "Okay, yeah sure. And I'm a goddess." She added sarcastically. "If you're a fairy, where's your wings?" She asked suspicious of Iris now.

Iris giggled at her actions. "Okay, more of a sorcerer. But, I wield the power of the moon and crystals." She explained.

Aidan looked even more confused by that. "What, are you Sailor Moon or something?" He asked her jokingly.

Iris tilted her head to the left side and looked up at him with curiosity displayed in her eyes. "I don't know who that is.." She admitted to him and shrugged. "I'm just Iris Serenity."

Valeria looked over to Kushiro curiously as he was tapping on his clear blue shield. "You need my phone?" She asked him and walked towards him.

He looked to her and laughed genuinely. "No? That's so old. What are you from the Stone Age or something?" He asked her.

Valeria's eyes widened. "The fuck are you talking about? It's 2007, hello? Phones are super popular." She added and placed her hands onto her hips.

Kushiro's facial expression was extremely confused now. "It's 2170." He corrected her as if she just had forgotten about it.

Iris looked confused as well as her mind seemed to be spiralling with every single possibility. "I thought it was 1992?" She added confused and Aidan seemed to be even more unknowing than he already was.

The long silence was broken by a cloud of smoke being seen and a woman in all black coming out of it. She had a black satin mask covering the bottom half of her face as well. "The current time is 2009, we have been transported into this timeline mysteriously." The woman explained.

Her sudden appearance made Valeria flinch hard and instinctively jump back into Kushiro. He wrapped his arms around her and she pulled away to hit his arm.

Aidan looked still confused at the woman. "Sorry, who the fuck are you? And how do you know all this?" He asked her confusedly.

The woman sighed. "I am Enenra. I saw an undead bovine like parasitic infected creature within one of the hallways. As for how I know all of this, one of the calendars read as 2009." She explained to him.

Kushiro spoke up again. "So.. what timeline are you from, then?" He asked her curiously. He seemed to be calming down around all of the people now.

Enenra answered without hesitation. "I am a clan member, a ninja from 1992." She explained to him and that made Kushiro sigh.

"Well, is this all of us?" Aidan asked Enenra hoping it was. Though, despite his hopes, Enenra shook her head 'no' in response to his question.

Enenra crossed her arms over her chest to answer his question. "I witnessed a woman fighting off those patristic creatures." She added before she was cut off by Iris. "And you didn't help her?!" She asked her not pleased with that idea of her leaving someone else behind.

Enenra shrugged. "I have faith in her survival." She claimed and had stepped closer to all of them. "I suggest we create some sort of weapons for all of you that are unarmed." She added as a suggestion.

"I think.. only me and Aidan are unarmed. Aw man.. that makes me seem helpless." Valeria added and groaned at the idea of her seeming weak.

Aidan rolled his eyes and had walked up to a desk to elbow one of the computer screens letting the glass of it shatter.

Valeria watched that and looked to Enenra. "He's sexy, isn't he?" She added to her and Enenra didn't seem as infatuated with Aidan. "I am unsure if I see your attraction towards him." She admitted to Valeria which made Valeria frown and just look back to Aidan.

Aidan was searching for anything to use as a weapon other than just shards of a broken computer screen when the door opened and in came an exhausted woman.

She was tired looking and a little roughed up. Her ponytail was messy and she was sweaty with some blood splattered on her.

Valeria's curious eyes flickered over to the woman. "Ah, a new one. Welcome to the club. What year are you from?" She asked her as if she was supposed to know what that meant.

"By those words, I will assume we are in some sort of time travel incident. Well, last time I knew, I come from the year of 845." She explained.

Kushiro's eyes widened. "Damn. That's intense." He added and looked to her. "So, I guess you're single." He added and Valeria backhanded his shoulder again.

She looked to him unamused before she began to retire her hair back into the ponytail. "Oh, for future reference, my name is..." She was going to say but, she heard a loud bang against the door.

All of their heads whipped towards the direction of the door as there was another loud bang against the door and a growl.


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