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As Arlo was patching up Yeona's arm, which was broken because of the Janitor, Yronica and Eman were arguing.

"Maybe if you weren't full of yourself we wouldn't be in this mess! Callum and Aaaqil are missing- Your BOYFRIEND is missing and you're barely showing any emotion!? What's wrong with you?!" Eman shouts at Yronica.

"Well, it's not all my fault! If Callum hadn't opened the door to the strange noise we wouldn't have had to run!" Yronica yells back.

"Can both of you shut up? I need to concentrate," Arlo sternly tells the two, looking over at them, "Also weren't you two looking for supplies? What happened to that?"

"Ugh, whatever," Yronica says before walking off.

"Hmph," Eman huffs before walking off in the opposite direction from Yronica.

"Sorry about all of this, Arlo, you didn't have to do this," Yeona apologizes.

"I don't mind at all! I'm a nurse, after all," Arlo says, giving Yeona a reassuring smile.

"Do you know how long it'll take to heal?" Yeona asks, looking at her arm which Arlo is fixing.

"A good while, no doubt. That shovel got you good," Arlo says, a worried tone in his voice as he finishes up the bandaging, "I'm afraid there's not a cast here, so you're gonna have to deal with the bandages."

"Thanks," Yeona thanks Arlo and Arlo nods.

"It's not a problem, not at all, now let's get the other two and find a way out," Arlo tells Yeona.

Yeona nods her head, going in the direction Eman went while Arlo goes to get Yronica.

Once gathered up, Eman apologizes to Arlo, "Sorry about our bickering. I never planned on it."

"I thought you said-" Yronica starts before getting shushed by Arlo.

"Now, let's not fight. We still have to find our way out."

Eman and Yronica stare at each other intensely, tension building up, before nodding in agreement at the same time, "But how do we get out?" Eman asks.

"I mean, I found a car after storming off," Yronica says, pointing behind her.

"So who's driving?" Yeona asks, looking at her arm, "I know it's not me."

"I will, I am the eldest," Arlo says, confident in his driving ability.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get in the car and leave," Eman says.

"And ruin my hair? Not happening," Yronica objects.

However, Yronica's objections didn't matter, because Eman dragged her to the car and set Yronica in the front seat. Eman sat in the back with Yeona to be able to keep an eye on her and her arm to make sure she didn't put too much pressure on it.

"Get some rest, Yeona, you need some," Eman tells Yeona as Yeona rests her head on Eman's shoulder, falling asleep.

"Wow, she fell asleep quickly," Arlo says impressed.

"Whatever, just drive," Yronica says, using the car mirror to fix her hair, "You ruined my new hairdo, Eman."

"Oh stop whining, we're in the mist, it's gonna get ruined either way," Eman tells Yronica, and she gets deeply offended.

"How DARE you!?" Yronica yells and Yeona stirs.

"C'mon you two, not now," Arlo says, looking in the mirror to check on Yeona and Eman, "You two go to sleep with Yeona, I don't know how long this will take."

"Make it quick, atleast," Yronica says before resting her head on her hand positioned to hold her head up as she looks out the window. Eman decides to go to sleep, resting her head on Yeona's, making Arlo and Yronica the only two who are awake.

"Hey, Yronica, what made you decide to turn on your best friend?" Arlo asks.

"Do you need to know? If anything I don't want to talk about it," Yronica tells Arlo sternly before asking, "Whatever happened to that Jackson guy? I heard you guys separated twice."

"I heard that you caused the death of a girl around your age," Arlo says without thinking.

"You-!" Yronica says before going silent and Arlo realizes what he said.

"Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean any of that!" Arlo apologizes quickly.

"Just save it. I'm going to sleep," Yronica says, resting her head on her hand and falling asleep, leaving Arlo and his thoughts awake.

Arlo focuses on the road, and he's been driving for a good 4 hours with no one to talk to. But then, the worst happens. The car breaks down.

"What? Oh no no no, not now!" Arlo mutters to himself as the car stops moving. Upset, Arlo slammed his head against the steering wheel, causing the honk to go off, waking everyone in the car up.

"Arlo? Why has the car stopped?" Yeona asks tiredly.

"About that... the car broke down," Arlo says awkwardly.

"You're kidding," Yronica says with a slight chuckle, "you have to be."

After seeing Arlo shake his head no, Eman gets worried, "But we're in the middle of nowhere! How could it break down now of all times?"

"Wait, guys, listen," Yeona says, causing everyone to be silent and listening.

Then they hear something rise from what sounds like water. next to the car.

Word Count: 859

Never-Endingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن