Meeting Him

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Authors POV

(It is currently 2023 for Y/n and everyone, not 2028.)

When Y/n's alarm clock went off, she woke up gradually and made her way to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she took a shower and got dressed in her outfit for the day.

Y/N's outfit

Next, Y/n heads downstairs and greets her mother

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Next, Y/n heads downstairs and greets her mother. Your sister Hana was probably still getting ready. Then Y/n  inquires about breakfast and her mother happily announces that they will be having blueberry pancakes. Y/n is thrilled and eagerly joins her parents in enjoying the scrumptious meal. Your sis finally comes down and joins you for breakfast.

 So y/n and Hana what are your plans for today? asked my dad. I don't know yet replied both Hana and y/n. Well, what are your plans? I asked. Well, I am meeting my close friend and going to have lunch with her your mother replied. I have a small meeting at the office said my dad. Well then I am going to practice football and relax today I said. "Well I am doing the same as sis" your sister announced. "Copycat," y/n said and rolled her eyes. After finishing breakfast, my dad left for work. I couldn't help but think how exhausting it must be to be the CEO of a large company. Sweetie, do you and Hana want to come with me to meet my friend? She also has children and one of them is around your age my mom told/asked me. Sure Mom You replied. We will be going to her house at 1:00 so be ready by that my mom told me. kay mom I replied.

It was 10 a.m. right now so I decided to train myself and went to the football pitch. After training for 2 solid hours, I decided to go and watch some Anime. I decided to watch the latest One Piece episode. Hana also joined me and we watched an episode. After completing the episode it was 12:27 so we decided to go and freshen up. I also put on very light makeup since I don't really put on much makeup.

You put your hair up in a high ponytail and look at yourself in the mirror. Your dad always emphasized the importance of presenting ourselves well since people tend to form opinions based on first impressions. You were content with your appearance, and when you went downstairs, your mother and Hana were already ready. Let us go your mother said.

Hana inquired of your mother about the person or people you were going to meet, and she simply answered that she would find out shortly. Together, we entered her sleek black Ferrari and made our way to an exquisite mansion.

As you exited the vehicle and entered the mansion, a stunning woman with dark hair approached us. To your surprise, it was Georgina Rodriguez, Ronaldo's girlfriend.


I was so surprised when I saw Georgina Rodriguez in front of me! My mom introduced me to her in Spanish. I understand Spanish because my parents used to speak it all the time along with Portuguese. Georgina greeted me and I returned the smile and greeting. She seemed like a kind and friendly person.

We were invited inside by Georgina, and upon entering, we made our way to the living room. Once there, we were greeted by five children - two boys and three girls. The oldest boy caught my attention as he seemed to be around my age. He had fluffy black hair and beautiful hazel-brown eyes. The other children were much younger, but I found them all to be quite cute.

"Y/N and Hana these are my kids, Cristiano Jr. the oldest, Mateo, Eva,  Alana, and the youngest Bella," said Georgina.

"Guys, introduce yourselves to Y/n, Hana, and M/n," she said.

The guy who looked like a mini Ronaldo walked up to me and said, "Hey I'm Cristiano Jr. You can call me Cristiano ". "Well I'm Y/n L/n You can me Y/n," I said with a small smile. He smiled back. There was something about his smile, It looked pure and genuine. The other children introduced themselves except Bella as she was just a baby.

I'm sorry Cristiano is not here to join us as he had some work outside said Georgina. I was a little bummed that I could not meet him but I knew I would probably see him later. It's ok Geo said my mom. Let us eat said Georgina and we went to the dining room and dug into our delicious meal which was tacos. Georgina repeatedly complimented my appearance, and I appreciated the kind words. While I was eating, Cristiano Jr. kept staring at me. However, when I looked at him, he turned away." So y/n what is your hobby?", Asked Georgina." I like playing soccer, listening to music, and watching anime" I said."Oh, you like soccer too? asked jr. Yes, I love soccer I replied."I too said Jr"." I would like to be a great player like My Father and Lionel Messi he added."Y/n too her idol is actually Ronaldo and she always watches his games my mom said. My mom was embarrassing me in front of the Ronaldo family great I thought."That is cool "said Mateo excitedly. We also talked about other topics like what school we were joining and Hana was in the same school as Eva, Mateo, and Alana. The four kids were acting as if they were besties and had known each other for a long time. After finishing, I talked with Junior for a while and found out that my school was next to his school. We also realized that we had a lot in common.

"You guys should come for dinner tonight," said my mom. "That's a great idea we would love to come," said Georgina."OK then it is settled, "my mom said.

Cristiano Jr. POV

My mom said that one of her close friends and her daughters were coming for lunch and told me to freshen up. I was curious about who was one of the girls as my mom also told me she was around my age. After I freshened up I went downstairs and played with Mateo, Eva, and Alana. Soon after we heard the doorbell ring and my mom went to greet our guests. Then a woman who looked Portuguese came in along with 2 other girls. One was young probably 8 years old and the other girl looked my age and was really pretty. My mom introduced my siblings and me to the lady and the girls and told us to introduce ourselves. "Hey, I'm Cristiano Jr. but you can call me Cristiano," I said."I am Y/N L/N but you can call me Y/n she said with a beautiful smile which I returned. 

Then my mother said it was time to eat and we went to the dining room. The cook made delicious tacos but it was not as good as my moms' I thought. While eating I kept staring at Y/N as she looked really pretty. She had beautiful black eyes and pretty black hair. She looked like she was both Japanese and Portuguese. She once almost caught me staring but I turned away. When my mom asked her what was her hobby y/n said that her hobbies were playing soccer, listening to music, and watching anime. I was surprised that she played soccer as I thought most girls liked tennis or badminton. Y/n's mom also shared that Y/N's idol was my father Ronaldo that she watches all his games and also that she wants to become a great player like him. I also shared that my goal was to become a soccer player like my father and also like Messi since he is my idol. My siblings and y/n's sister Hana were literally behaving like best friends. After eating I talked with Y/N a bit more and found that her school was next to mine and we also had a lot of common interests.

Soon It was time for Y/N, Hana, and M/N to leave. I wanted Y/N to stay longer but she also must have other things to do. Then suddenly Y/N's mom came up with the idea of our family going to Y/n's house for dinner and my mom agreed. I was pretty excited to meet you again. This time Dad will also come with us to meet y/n's family. After Y/n left I went to practice some football.


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