Choni week day two

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Hey guys!

Here's my one shot for day two of choni week!

Happy reading!
Nat xx

Cheryl was surprised she made it the whole summer and through to the winter without seeing Toni. In all fairness she hadn't really left her bedroom, but still she'd managed to keep her promise to herself and let Toni have the life she deserves.

There were many nights she typed out a message asking the brunette to meet with her, but deleted it only seconds after. Could she live without Toni? No. But she was going to try.

She kept her eye on her ex's social media, watching her succeed and cheering her on from a distance. It didn't help with the pain, she still cried herself to sleep every night, but it made her feel like she was still a part of Toni's life somehow.

Highsmith College wasn't too far away. An hours drive and she could be knocking on the door of the person she missed more than anyone else in the world. At first Cheryl received daily texts from Toni, which dropped to weekly and then monthly and now she received nothing at all.

It was her own fault. She never replied. Not even once. All of her friends had left town too, so she only had herself. At least until winter break when Betty came back to Riverdale for Christmas.

If it was down to Cheryl, she would have ignored the banging on her front door, but her nana got there first, letting Betty into their house where she found Cheryl in her bedroom.

"How you holding up?" Betty asked as she sat on the end of her cousins bed.

"I'm fine-"

"Great, because you and I are heading to a Christmas fair... tonight."

"Oh, no. Betty, I'm sorry but I'm busy." Cheryl shook her head. "Maybe next year..."

"I already got tickets and anyway it's in Greendale. I thought getting you out of Riverdale for the night would do you some good."

"I-I don't think that's a good idea."

"Cheryl, you're miserable. Just tonight, please? We haven't spent any time together in so long."

The redhead rolled her eyes and Betty knew she was about to get her own way. "Fine, but if I hate it we're coming straight back."

"Deal!" Betty jumped up. "You need to get dressed. I'll drive."


The drive was almost silent. Betty tried to spark a conversation every now and again, but it led nowhere. The redhead only stared out of the window. Even though most of the group had left town, all of them but Cheryl kept in touch and although she didn't know it, her wellbeing had been the topic of conversation many times.

As Greendale came into sight, the roads became busier, luckily Betty found a parking spot a block away. Light snow fell from the sky, melting as it hit their winter coats as they walked towards the brights of the fair.

"Ferris wheel first?" Betty asked, sliding her phone back into her pocket. "We can get a feel for the place that way."

"Or we could just look at the leaflet they give you at the entrance," Cheryl said, already thinking of a way she could get Betty to take her home early.

"The ferris wheel is more fun!" She linked her arm in the redheads. "Can we just enjoy the night. Please? You can be miserable all you want tomorrow." Betty felt victorious when she saw the same smirk as Cheryl rolled her eyes.



Surprisingly there wasn't a line for the ferris wheel, probably because everyone tended to ride that at the end, but as they walked towards it Betty's eyes seemed to be darting around the area.

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