The Innocent Mistake - 15

Start from the beginning

The doctor looked at her file and asked Sana for her date of birth for confirmation. It was a public hospital which meant she didn't get the same doctor or mid wife every time she visited for checkups. Luckily, Sana was eligible for free facilities as she had acquired permanent residency as a dependent child of their parent else she could have never got the free facilities. Medical costs could be too high in private facilities and would cost an arm and leg to birth a child.

The doctor was a bit stunned to learn her age. She was just 16. Going by the due date, she could be just 15 when she conceived the baby, she thought.

"You are almost the same age as my daughter in fact a year younger", the doctor spoke in a sweet tone to Sana. The doctor's motherly instincts made her tremble when she imagined what all this young lady had to go through at such young age.  Parenting was a huge responsibility.

"Are you her partner?", The doctor inquired Sidharth.

Sidharth nodded his head in yes. If it was earlier, then he would have been speechless for the answer but Sana herself had agreed to it when the nurse had asked her so there wasn't much of hesitation.

The doctor stared at him for a while trying to decipher his age. Sex with a minor under the age of 16 was an offence.

"May I know your date of birth?", The doctor asked Sidharth.

Sidharth gave out his date of birth which made the doctor sigh. Sex with a minor under the age of 16 was an offence unless both are under 16. However, both could be charged for such offence. The doctor didn't know what to say further, she didn't want to add to their already existing miseries.

Sana was now lying on her back, the midwife  gave her the blanket to cover her lower waist and asked her to pull her gown up to monitor the baby's heartbeat along with tracking hers. The nervousness kicked into the young girl who was already in pain and feared what would happen to her. She grabbed Sidharth's hand and held his palm firmly. Her hands were cold as ice. He remembered how her hands would go cold whenever she went inside the exam hall due to fear and nervousness even though she got straight A's in all her subjects. He used to mock her and tease then but now his heart ached for her. He held her hand firmly to build her strength even though he was scared himself. To remind her of the breathing exercise, he started taking a deep breath himself and exhaled through mouth. Sana followed him eventually bringing a tiny smile on the doctor's face.

Sana squirmed uncomfortably when the doctor examined her private part for dialation but the contractions didn't give her much time to maintain the feeling. It would make her forget everything.

"Mummmaaaaa.... Mummmmaaa...."

With time her shrieks and cries increased and so was his fear and guilt. The doctor was long gone leaving the midwife to track and call when it's time. The midwife kept track of the dialation. Sana crushed Sidharth's palm everytime the pain tortured her but he didn't utter a single complain. The midwife went on to call the doctor finally.

"Sana, whenever you get an urge to push, just push. Okay darling?", The doctor said.

Sana looked at the doctor a bit puzzled.

"If you get the feel like you want to go to toilet, then don't hold it. Just push.. when you are not pushing, keep doing breathing exercise", the doctor explained.

Sana nodded her head in yes. Her legs shivered automatically due to the excruciating pain. She indeed started feeling like passing stool after few minutes. Her legs shook involuntarily as she cried bitterly while trying to push. It felt like her private part was set on fire when she did so. She shook Sidharth by his collar vigorously.

"Sana.. deep breaths..", Sidharth reminded as soon as she took breaks.

"I can't..", Sana yelled.

"Try Sana.. you will feel better..", he said yet again.

"I hate you.. I hate you..", she screamed.

"I know.. but please just take deep breaths..", he repeated calmly.

"Mummmaaaa....", Sana shrieked again.

"Common sweetheart.. Push now", the doctor said to Sana.

Sana pushed with all her might. Her legs shook as if her mind had lost its connection and command over it while her face was fully drenched in tear, sweat and saliva.

"Push Sana..", Sidharth's voice faded as darkness took over her eyes and she passed out due to strain and exhaustion. The doctor looked up when Sana's leg stopped jiggling and just fell loose. She ran to her side and checked her pulse and looked at the monitor to check if she was breathing.

"Doctor? What happened? Sana.. Sanaa..", Sidharth shook her with fear and shock.

"She fell unconscious. Try to wake her up Sidharth, we can see her crowning. She needs to push.", The doctor yelled standing near Sana's leg.

"Sana... Sanaaa... Sanaaa..", Sidharth cried slapping her face to wake her up unsuccessfully.

"Stop crying young man and take the responsibility. You got her into this for pleasure. You haven't experienced the pain yet. Come here.", The doctor said losing her patience.

Sidharth rushed to her side and the view shook his soul to the core. From where he was sitting all the time, he couldn't see what was going on on the other side. But now he looked at sight infront of the doctor, he shivered. Streams of blood flew from her private part and she was lying in a pool of blood.

"Hold her legs, we have to pull the baby out using forceps.", The doctor commanded to him bringing him out of his fearfilled thoughts. He nodded his head and held the legs in place while his eyes went wide to find a black patch which peeked out between her legs. After a few minutes of juggling and effort by the doctor and midwives, he saw a delicate and fragile little angel plopping out with the use of a device. Being born at 37 weeks, she was very tiny compared to normal babies. A small smile automatically appeared on Sidharth's lips as he instantly fell in love with the little angel.

"She is not crying..", the midwife said causing another round of panic. Sidharth shuddered in shock. His mind was torn into two thoughts. Thoughts of unconscious Sana on one hand and the little baby who took his heart in first glance on the other.


To be continued.. ❤️❤️

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