The meeting. (1)

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"Scara!! Come down here for breakfast!.." The tall woman shouted from the stairs, "I'm coming!" Said scara, He rushed down the tiled stairs and made his way to the table, Where his step mother yae miko was seated, The 2 never got along as much it was always a fight for attention, However yae miko was a therapist, She knew when he was frustrated or sad in a way- Thats the only part he liked about her, Her job.

His mother raiden aka "the shogun" a ex soldier and current FBI agent set a neatly stacked plate of pancakes down, She then lowered her strong gaze onto her son, Her only son. "Scara darling, Where did you get those scars from?" The woman said putting her attention to his hand, "Uhm a small cat attacked me! DONT worry about it mom" scara replied,

In fright he quickly grabbed his bag and left to work, He worked at a small cafe and was saving up for a apartment, He hated being financially supported by his mother, No matter how "lovely" she is. He started walking through a beautiful meadow of flowers, Then he got a call, "SCARA. WHERE ARE YOU?! WHY HAVENT YOU BEEN REPLYING- YOU B*TCH!!" A frustrated man said over the phone, With no answer scara simply replied "Babe, I'm on my way to work, Please don't call- I can't talk right now." He sighed "IDGAF! REPLT NEXT TIME."

Then the man cut the phone in anger, Scara looked down and started thinking "Is this how it's going to be..?" He started questioning himself about his current relationship with the businessman,  He suddenly stumbled onto a much taller person, He had long silky white hair and a bright red streak going through it, He was dressed in much fancier attire then himself.

"I-I'm sorry! I wasn't looking" Scara said still in a state of confusion "It's alright, I was actually lost as well- Would you mind telling me where xinya cafe is?" The man explained "oh! I work there- Just come with me" Scara replied his tone more exaggerated than before.

"Okay then lead the way dear" The anonymous man whispered "Oh, Y-yeah just follow me.. sir?.." "Kazuha, I work just over there-" he said pointing at a tall office building, "Oh ok! You work in a really nice place" scara mumbles underneath his breath "I actually own that company, ZuHa corporate" the man slightly bragged bringing his eyes down to look at the shorter young man, "Oh! That's so cool! Your parents must be proud!" Scara replied astonished "well you can say that- What about you dear? I heard your phone call" kazuha pointed out.


(Smut) "Faint night" CEO KAZUHA X ABUSED SCARA (NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now