"Aww, like Auntie and Uncle" Athanasia whispered as knowing she never had her father around and being all raised by her mother Diana and Lily in the Jasmine Palace.

Athanasia never felt alone since she has her mother, Lily, Ingrid, Nayeli, Sultana Anaya, Sarai, Sultan Aslan, the workers along with Lucas who sometimes he might be a jerk but he's still part of them.

She knew her mother misses very much her father distance between them as Claude was all alone in his Imperial Palace and missing her so bad.

Athanasia looked down and she felt sympathy for her father. 'I know that Papa was supposed to be this bad mister that Mama feared he might turn but...Papa looks not so friendly, he didn't hurt Athy nor Nay-Nay...He also gave Athy sweets...But Athy wonders why Mama was so scared to leave Papa?' Athanasia thought.

"Princess?! What's wrong?!"-Hannah

"Why you look sad?!"-Ces

"Ah... Because Athy wants need to combine the sweets, sweet and delicious tea!" Nayeli soon said as changing the subject in order to prevent any problems that will get to the Emperor.

Nayeli still didn't trust him.

"Yeah, Athy likes tea! Lippe tea! Lippe tea is Athy's and Mama's favorite!" Athy said as changing the mood which two maids were overwhelmed by her cuteness and loveliness.

'She's too adorable!' They thought.

Meanwhile with Claude and Felix~

"So, the tribal girl named Nayeli knows Lilian and suggestively Diana too?"-Claude

"Yes, Your Majesty. Looks like Miss Nayeli knows where they are but she didn't say anything about their whereabouts than told me that they were alright"-Felix

"Good grief, that will relieve my problem" Claude soon said as he and Felix were talking in his office and about the sudden appearance of Athanasia and Nayeli in his gardens.

Because of this sudden appearance, everyone in the Imperial Palace were stunned by seeing a little girl who bears strikingly resemblance to Diana, the disappeared consort of Claude and possesses the jewel blue eyes.

It was no coincidence and no mistake that she is his daughter.

Lucky for them, Claude decided to shut servants up in order to keep it from reaching out to the public and knowing there are still some nobles are waiting to take the opportunity.

Claude looks at Felix with his sharp gaze. "Should we forced her to confess?" Claude asked which Felix looks at him if he was crazy and loudly 'Huh' in shock.

"Your Majesty! You can't that's a little girl! Besides, didn't you promise to the Princess not to hurt Miss Nayeli?!"-Felix

"Of course I did, you insolent idiot. I wasn't talking like physically hurting her, like tricking her. Besides, a cat often opens up if you feed it properly" Claude said as preferring Nayeli as a cat despite she was raised by the She-wolf.

Felix soon sighs in relief since for a second, he really thought Claude would harm Nayeli.

"What about the Princess? What did you find out about her?" Felix soon asked which Claude looks from the side of them with his arms crossed.

"She's a big eater...and she definitely inherited Diana's brazen personality, she's also somehow smart for her age" Claude soon said as recalling how Athanasia talked and being brazen yet bold.

"I see, what about her name?"-Felix

"Diana named her Athanasia...the name that bears meaning "Immortality"...She states that Diana named her after a flower that is used for medicine"-Claude

"That's....very strange and weird, I never heard a flower named like that, maybe it's from the southern continent"-Felix

"That's what I thought too. But the thing that gets stranger is that Diana named her Athanasia and saying that she will be protected from the "bad men"...Do you think this does something to do with that dog, Roger Alpheus?" Claude soon asked him which Felix looks at him in some surprise.

Claude puzzled up the pieces before Diana's disappearance.

Diana looked pale when he mentioned Roger Alpheus's name.

The Duke of the Alpheus Ducal House and his semi political advisor whom he disobeyed his master like disloyal dog.

And then, after he finds out that Diana and Lily disappeared, the Alpheus Mansion had a fire incident in Roger's office as his paper for the trading business was burned down, all his rum gone, a very offensive drawing, and his boat was stolen.

"Your Majesty...Do you think Duke Alpheus had something do to with Lady Diana's and Lilian's disappearance?" Felix soon asked him which Claude scoffs and turns away.

"Who wouldn't? That filthy dog used to serve Anastacius like a damn mutt before I killed him and took the throne, he started following me if I have more treats for him. That insolent mutt" Claude bitterly explains why he thinks Roger Alpheus has something to do with Diana's disappearance.

After all, Diana is born commoner and despite she was under the protection of the Sultana Anaya and went to the conservatory that was famous for both noble to commoner to go.

There was some doubts that she was fully accepted in the Obelia's High Society.

Like people like Roger or Countess Rosalia who are ambitious and power-hungry as scheming to live most comfortable and luxury life.

No wonder why Riftan hates the nobility.

"That could be a possibility but...If Lady Diana was so scared, then why she didn't tell us? Even Lilian would do if they were threatened" Felix responded as knowing they would tell them if something was wrong.

"I don't know and that's what I am trying to find out. Who dares makes my woman disappeared with my daughter? Those insolent bastards will pay" Claude coldly spoke which Felix knew it was going to be a death sentence to the supposed corruptors..

"Your Majesty, there was something that keep bugging me...If Lady Diana and Lilian were living in Siodonna, then why we couldn't find them in streets of the capital to their entire sultanate?" Felix soon asked which Claude did searched around the capital of Siodonna to it's sultanate along with local villages and towns.

He never got to find them either.

'I did search everything in Siodonna and I couldn't find anything...Wait a second, there was last place I never check before' Claude thought as realizing something.

"Felix, we never check the Royal Palace of Siodonna"-Claude

"Yes, Your Majesty. We never due to the denying request of Her Majesty, the Sultana Anaya"-Felix

"Felix, the Sultana lied to us. Diana did contract her" Claude soon said which Felix was stunned by that and looks at him with his shock eyes.

"If that's true, then why there was no rumor or gossip about Lady Diana staying in the Royal Palace?" Felix said which Claude was about to open his mouth unlit something slammed the door open.

Claude and Felix looks turns around and seeing a Imperial Knight who was panting harshly.

"Your Majesty! Sir Robane! The Princess and the tribal girl has disappear from room!"

Looks like Lucas finally made his move.

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