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Days had passed since they talked about their feelings for each other. When they told JJ the next day, they almost lost all hearing abilities on both ears, that's how loud JJ's screams were. She couldn't be happier. Finally, she could call Chloe ''mom''.

That day started as any other. Chloe was in the kitchen finishing up the breakfast dishes when the doorbell rang and there was a knock on the door. JJ went to get it and when she came back, they knew something was up.

-''JJ, who's at the door?'' – Jensen asked her.

-''It's Danneel, dad.''

-''Go to your room, JJ. Babe, come with me, please.'' – Jensen said, a serious look on his face.

JJ did as told and so did Chloe. What could Danneel possibly want?

-''What do you want, Danneel? I remember, very clearly, telling you to never come anywhere near us ever again.'' – he asked her. He was not happy to see her there.

-''I just wanna talk, Jensen. That's all. Alone, please.''

-''Whatever you have to tell me, you can say in front of Chloe. There's no secrets between us.''

-''Jensen, please.'' – Danneel pleaded.

-''It's okay, Jensen. If you need me, I'll be with JJ in her room.'' – Chloe said. Before leaving, Jensen brought her close and gave her a small kiss.

-''So, you're together?'' – Danneel asked, after Chloe left the room.

-''Yes, we are. She's the best thing that has happened to both JJ and myself.''

-''I see. Okay, then. The hard way it is.''

-''What are you talking about?'' – Jensen asked, feeling confused and worried about what that might mean.

-''I came here with the intention of persuade you to give me a second chance, but now that I know that the two of you are together, things changed.''

-''What do you mean?''

-''Here's the deal, Jensen. You've got two choices here. One: you leave her and we get back together, as one big happy family. Or two: you stay with her and I file for full custody of JJ and you'll never see her again. And you know that I can. Your choice.''

-''You're crazy, Danneel. Do you really expect me to just leave Chloe, just because you say so? And besides, there's no way in hell you can take JJ away from me. Not when you've been missing from her life for the past 10 years.'' – he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was beyond pissed.

-''You know, money can get a lot of stuff done.'' – and with that, Danneel pulled out photos of a young girl that had an amazing resemblance to JJ, with bruises on her arms and legs. –''I can easily say that you were abusive or that she was abusive and that you didn't do anything to protect our child. Can you imagine what that would do to your reputation? Your choice. I'll call you tomorrow to know what you've decided. Oh, and no telling little miss thing about any of this. Keep those, I got plenty more.''

And with that, Danneel left. Jensen didn't know what to do. If those photos got out, it wouldn't just be his reputation that would be on the line, so would Chloe's. Not to mention that he would lose JJ. Oh my God, JJ. He couldn't lose his little girl. No matter how much he loved Chloe, JJ was his daughter. He was sure that Chloe would agree with him.

Time passed and Jensen still couldn't believe in the choice he had to make. They had dinner, but no one talked. Jensen was quiet, as were JJ and Chloe. Eventually they all went to sleep, but he couldn't sleep. The thought of losing either Chloe or JJ was breaking his heart. If he loses Chloe, JJ would be pissed but she would still be with him. But if he stands his ground and takes his chance with court, he could lose JJ forever. He didn't know what to do.

It was a long night, weighing in all his options, but he finally came to a decision. But at what cost?

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