how I meant u

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Long ago there were dinosaurs we humans call this the Cretaceous period or the primal period during those times there were only two tribes one of them meilna was in one of those tribes since there were two tribes Malena was the prettiest woman in her tribe

Now since there were two tribes the tribes wanted meilna and their strongest man to mate with each other and combine the tribes now meilna didn't like the sound of that when they chose her to mate with the man

Now since there were two tribes the tribes wanted meilna and their strongest man to mate with each other and combine the tribes now meilna didn't like the sound of that when they chose her to mate with the man

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Art not mine this what he looks like

meilna didn't want to mate with this unknown man from a other tribe she didn't even want to mate with anybody she was still young , she wanted to be with that one man who can love her for her , she wanted to escape

Meilna had a close friend who wanted to help her escape his arranged mating so late at night the night before meilna and the unknown man mated meilna friend helped meilna escape over the wall ( meilna tribe was a little more advanced ) but when meilna was on top of the wall she reached for her friend they declined thwy wanted meilna to be free and they would handle the consequences of interfering with the tribes arrangement

Meilna cried as she jumped down the wall and ran into the jungle thinking about her friend who was going to face the consequences of her actions later on meilna found herself int he jungle fill with dinosaurs thta chold just eat her , stomp on her or worst

Meilna climbs up a tree she  found and laid down on one of the branches that was big enough and high enough for her to feel safe but she didn't feel safe she felt alone the next day when she woke up her head something or something fighting something else she climbs down from the tree and tries to find what was making that noise

When meilna got closer and closer she found herself looking at a man who was fighting a pterodactyl meilna couldn't believe her eyes why was this man fighting a dinosaur the men in her tribe didn't have the guts to fight a dinosaur after a while of the man and pterodactyl fighting the man won

The man couldn't see Melina since he was too busy eating the pterodactyl meilna steps closer trying to get a good view of the man's face when she steps on the stick it catches the man's attention he quickly turns around and growls at who is next to face him

Then he sees someone like him but the strange things on her chest as he had never encountered a female before he went up to her has meilna didn't know what to do at that moment he then

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