Chapter 41: Goose King

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A bountiful harvest always brings excitement and joy, even though the Spark Tribe often experiences various surprises. Yet, when they harvested the crops they had planted themselves, the excitement was still palpable, and the mood was different from other times.

For the first harvest, Jiao organized a thanksgiving ceremony to express gratitude to the divine for their blessings. The scene was bustling, and everyone's attention was focused on it. Yang Yi specifically allowed those who could temporarily put aside their tasks to come and witness or help with the harvest, letting them experience the joy of a bountiful harvest.

Most of the Spark Tribe members were experiencing this for the first time. They discovered that they could grow and cultivate their own food right at home, without venturing into the dangerous forests or traveling far distances. They were amazed at how much they could harvest with minimal effort, and they could eat as many different types of food as they wanted without worrying about availability.

"Hey, newcomers, if you touch the chili peppers, make sure not to touch your eyes. You'll experience the most excruciating torture in the world."

Newcomers also joined the harvesting teams. Many of them were intrigued by the attractive appearance of the chili peppers and rushed to pick those beautiful fruits.

"Ah, my hands feel warm."

"That's the sensation of spiciness. Wait until you eat the chili peppers; you'll definitely fall in love with the taste."

Many newcomers had heard about the special food brought by the Divine Envoy and were eager to experience the taste of "spiciness" that everyone was talking about.

With many hands, the harvest activity was completed in no time. All the ripe chili peppers were picked. It was astonishing that a small piece of land could yield four to five thousand kilograms of chili peppers! This yield was remarkable, about three to four times that of chili pepper plants on Earth, or even more.

Yang Yi had chosen this variety of chili pepper for its high yield and lower spiciness, although it was of relatively poorer quality. Yet, here, it not only had a high yield but also much better quality, with its spiciness greatly enhanced.

The leafy vegetables also had an amazing yield, several times that of similar crops on Earth. With so many people and their large appetites, they only needed to harvest a small portion of land to meet everyone's needs. Moreover, according to Qing's estimations, these vegetables and chili peppers could continue growing for several more cycles.

These vegetables were already fully grown and required minimal management. To maintain soil fertility, occasional fertilization was enough. They exhibited remarkable vitality, adept at absorbing nutrients, and weeds struggled to survive among them. Their resistance to pests also seemed promising, significantly reducing the labor needed.

Yang Yi wondered if these crops could be considered invasive species; they exhibited strong vitality, much like Earth's water hyacinths. Regardless of the reasons, their quality was a delight for consumers. Amongst the wild vegetables that grew abundantly, not all made it into human cultivation due to reasons like taste or bitterness. Those that were carefully cultivated were generally more suited to human preferences, and the same held true here.

At dinner, the cooking team showcased their various skills, using the limited resources to prepare a wide array of dishes with the different vegetables. Especially when using chili peppers, they didn't hold back. Unlike before, when they had to ration the chili peppers Yang Yi brought, now they could be liberal with their usage. The food was grown by them, and there would be much more in the future! They could indulge to their heart's content.

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