A Drawer Full of Unseen Genius

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The three of you are called later on for an audience with her ladyship that evening and you have a bad feeling about this, you arrive just behind Monique and Dan. The Baroness is scribbling notes into a book. 'Ah, there she is, late, close the door.' she instructs without looking up. You swallow and close the door then take your place in line with the others. Eventually, she looks up sighing with inconvenience as though it were you who called her here and not the other way around. The Baroness reclines in her chair and shrugs. 'Well, anything to say for yourselves?' No one speaks the silence is deafening. 'Whatever do you mean, your ladyship?' Dan feigns innocence which suitably angers the Baroness even more. 'I instructed you three to scrub that room from top to bottom, and yet I find myself sharing afternoon tea with amphibians.' she drums her fingers on the desk. 'Perhaps you'd like to shed some light on that?' She shoves her notebook angrily off the table making Monique and Dan jump a step back. 'One sided conversation is terribly boring even with myself as the lone participant. Speak!' she snaps.

'I guess you should be more selective with who you invite, your ladyship.' You reply, Dan bursts out laughing and it takes the Baroness a minute to work out you just called her guests frogs. The older woman maintains her emotionless mask but you notice that singular small lip twitch, had you pissed her off more? Or did she find what you said funny? Clearly, she did not like her bitches who brunch clique which is the only reason why you think she let you away with it. Victoria gets to her feet and paces in front of the three of you, like a sergeant preparing to speak to troops going to war. 'I need employees who are reliable, and competent. Unfortunately, neither of you fit the bill, so I settle, I settle for loyalty. Confess which one of you is the guilty party the other two will go unpunished.' There is a brief silence, you think this is a real Spartacus moment, a bond, a sisterhood, women who will stand beside you- 'It was yn, your ladyship.' Or Daniella could throw the new girl under the bus to save her own skin. 'Oui, s'ill vous place, it was yn.' Monique chimes in.

You roll your eyes and groan shooting them a look, Dan doesn't seem bothered and Monique has the audacity to look apologetic. You then turn to look at the Baroness who is staring into the glowing amber fire. 'Very well, you two may go.' They curtsy, then leave, Monique mouths to you that she is sorry. The door clicks shut and you draw yourself up to your full height refusing to look like a frightened little sheep. The Baroness still has her back to you. 'How did you do it?' she questions. You frown in confusion. 'Get the pests into Hellman Hall.' She answers your unanswered question. 'Oh, I caught them...down by the river, I placed them in a box under the table and just let them do their thing.' you reply. 'And did you truly act alone?' she still has her back to you so you can't begin to fathom why she is questioning you. 'Yes, all me, the girls didn't know anything about it.' You inhale expecting the worst-case scenario as she spins on her heel. 'That'll be all.' She flashes a false smile and returns to her desk sitting down. When you don't leave she looks up from her paperwork. 'I said go.' she repeats in a louder more commanding voice that makes you jump. 'Yes Baroness, of course, goodnight.' You curtsy and leave as quickly as you can.

John passes you in the hallway but you are too quick to stop so he proceeds to the Baroness's study. When he enters she is reclining in her chair massaging her temples. 'Your ladyship.' John greets her with a curt nod. 'Ah, John.' she opens her eyes and sits up. 'Tomorrow I want you to arrange a car to take me to the Liberty.' John nods. 'Of course your ladyship.' The baroness sits up clasping her hands on the desk. 'Why are you looking at me like that?' she quirks an eyebrow. 'I was wondering if I may enquire as to how the meeting went if I may be so bold?' At this, an intriguing smirk spread across Victoria's face. 'It was interesting. I got as much as I expected from the French one, and her amphibian-catching friend. Loyalty is not a trait they harbor, but the new girl, now I think she is something.' John looks confused. 'I don't quite understand.' The Baroness gestures for him to sit and he does. 'They blamed her, I thought the girl would retaliate, beg me to listen to her side of things, but she did not. She took the fall.' John frowns. 'But I told you, I saw Monique and Daniella with the box acting suspiciously. The Baroness tilts her head and flutters her eyelashes leaning over to him. 'And, that, my dear John, is why I find her so interesting.'

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