"They used me to cover their tracks. He made it seem like he was helping me start my own company in case you came looking for me. You all would take me out and he would be safe" you say while staring at the file.

"Now you understand" you hear Soap tell you.

You swallowed hard. You had so many emotions going through you at once and you didn't know what to do. Before you knew it, you felt our whole body shaking with rage. You slam the file onto the table, slide it off and the plate of food too. All of it hitting the floor. You stand up in rage that the chair flies back. You have so much adrenaline going through you that you don't even feel the pain in your thigh.

You go to walk off and Soap stands in front of you. You take both of your hands and shove him out of the way. He stumbles back. "Ghost" Soap says looking at him. You heard Ghost slide his chair back and you dart towards the stairs. You heard loud boots behind you, and you don't look back. Looking back will slow you down. As soon as your foot hits the second step, you feel someone grab your ankle and you land on your stomach.

You look back and see its Ghost. You turn on your back, lift your leg and kick Ghost in the shoulder. He lets go of your ankle and stumbles back. You heard him growl out of frustration. You quickly turn back over and head up the stairs when you see the rest of the guys coming towards you. You make your way up the stairs and head left and back down the hallway. You didn't know what to do at this point, but you went back into the bedroom you were in before, slammed the door, locked it and pressed your body against the door.

As soon as you were able to lock the door, you felt the door jump from someone on the other side beating on it.

"Open the fucking door Harley" you heard one of the guys say.

They beat on the door for a few more seconds and then everything got quiet. You held your breath to listen and heard someone coming down the hallway. "Move" was all you heard. It was Ghost. Shit.

You scanned the room not knowing what to do. Your eyes darted forward at the two windows. You ran over there and pulled the curtains back. You jumped when you heard a loud thud coming from the door and you knew it wasn't going to hold that much longer. You quickly unlock the window and pull it open.

"Fuck" you say under your breath. A fucking screen was on the window. You take your foot and kick it off. You give a small yelp when you hear the door kick open and Ghost barging through. You quickly put your foot through the window and slid out right before he was about to grab you. You were hoping that there were bushes or something to help break your fall, but there was nothing. Just the hard ass ground.

You laid there a few seconds waiting for the air to get back into your lungs. You could hear boots running through the house and they were getting close. You finally pick yourself back up and head towards the tree line. You didn't know where you were, what state you were in or even who the fuck you were at this point. You make a run for it and hear the door to the house open and what sounds like a stampede behind you.

You finally reach the tree line and jump when you hear Ghost yell. "She's mine!". You could hear the stampede stop and decided to look back. Everyone had stopped, but Ghost was coming for you. Fuck! Not the person you want to be hunted by you thought to yourself. You ran through the woods, stopping behind a few trees along the way to listen to how close he was. You tried to make your steps as light as possible since out in the middle of nowhere, stepping on a twig sounds like opening a cake from a grocery store.

You decided to move since staying in a spot for too long was making you a sitting duck. What scared you the most was you couldn't hear him at all. It was as if it was just you out there. And you knew that Ghost loved to play mind games. You were in his world now. You look out from behind a tree scanning the area. You take a step back and heard a twig break to your left. You turn around and make a run for it. He was close.

Your heart rate was high, and you felt like your chest was about to explode. As you run, you take a quick look back to see if he was behind you. You felt your foot hook on something and fell forward. You hit the ground at full force. You turn over to see what exactly it was, and it was a fucking root. You moan from the pain. The pain quickly left you when you spot a dark figure walking towards you.

You started crawling back, but you knew it was no use. He had you. He walks slow, like he is savoring his prey. As if he's waiting for the right time to kill. Ghost was a predator, and you were his prey.

Tears swell in your eyes. Not from fear, but the pain from your foot and now your thigh are starting to hit you. Your adrenaline is coming down.

As he approaches you, you try your best to crawl back. He gets to you and reaches down, grabbing your hurt foot and pulling you towards him. You scream from the pain. Before you could kick or defend yourself, he was straddling you. You try to fight him off, but he takes your wrists and pins them above your head with one of his big hands.

You stare up at him with tear filled eyes and he stares back at you with hunger. He enjoyed this. He probably got off on this.

"Don't you know you can't run from me little mouse?" he says to you. Your chest heaved up and down. You hated to be defeated, but most of all, you hated to be belittled.

You didn't say anything and with his freehand, he reaches into one of his pockets on his cargo pants and pulls out a syringe. Panic sets in and you try to fight, but it was pointless. With his weight on top of you and your wrists pinned above your head.

"No. No. Please" you beg as you eye the syringe. He flips the cap off the top of it and looks back at you. He was enjoying this too much. He brings the needle down and towards your neck.

"Ghost no. Please. I'm sorry" you continue to beg, but you know its pointless. Ghost shows no mercy, and you knew this. You played with fire and now you are going to get burned.

He takes the needle and jabs it into your neck. You let out an ear-piercing scream as fire flows through your veins. You could hear him take in a deep breath whenever you screamed and knew that he savored this.

Your head started feeling heavy and Ghost could see it in your eyes. He lets go of your wrists and gets off you. You laid there trying to focus on anything, but whatever he injected you with was harsh. You felt your body being lifted into his arms. Your head was bobbing back and forth from trying to concentrate and look around. He carried you bridal style and bounced you one time to adjust in his arms and this caused your head to rest on his shoulder.

You didn't try to fight anymore. You gave up. You will get your chance, but now isn't the time. Ghost carried you through the woods and you vaguely remember it.

"She okay?" You heard Soap ask.

"She will be" Ghost replied and then your world went dark.

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