Wasn't paying attention.

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(2845 words)

September 26th 2011

'Hey, it's JJ.' She greeted you. 'Can I come up?'

'Oh, hey.' You greeted her back. 'Yeah, sure.'

You buzzed her in, opening your apartment door and waiting for her to get up to your floor.

'How are you doing?' She asked, smiling at you as she met you at the door.

'I'm good thanks, how are you?' You asked, leading the way into your apartment.

'Yeah, good.' She said. 'I hope you don't mind me dropping in like this. But I brought coffee!'

She held out a plastic cup with cold brew inside.

You looked at it a second too long before taking it.

'Black with two sweeteners.' She told you.

'Oh, thank you.' You said, taking it from her now you knew it was safe to drink. 'Sorry about the state of the place. I was just cleaning.'

'Oh god, don't even worry about that!' JJ smiled, folding her hand in the air in front of her. 'You should see what Henry does to my place!'

You smiled at her comment, wondering when the small talk would be out of the way.

'Look, I know you have a lot going on at the moment,' JJ started, her tone turning more serious now, 'but I'd really like to apologise to you for the way we handled the Emily thing.'

You nodded, unable to force out a it's okay the way you usually would.

'If it had have been Will, I'd have told him, but it wasn't my choice.' She justified herself.

'Yeah, I know it wasn't.' You said, looking down at your coffee cup.

'Can we...' you looked up in time to see JJ gesturing towards the sofa.

'Sure.' You agreed, walking round it and finding a seat with her.

'I can't help but feel like this is all my fault.' She admitted.

'No,' You shook your head, 'it's nobody's fault.'

'But if I'd have told you...' she started.

'If you'd have told me I'd have done everything in my power to find her, you know that.' You reminded her. 'I'd have still been angry at you whether you'd have told me a day after or six months after, it didn't matter. But the difference is, if I knew sooner I'd have put Emily at risk.'

JJ shook her head, unable to argue with you over her guilt.

'I just wish things had been different.' She exhaled.

'Me too.' You agreed. 'But I've done a lot of stewing over the past, and honestly? I'm so tired of it!'

JJ giggled with you.

'You had us worried for a while there.' She admitted.

'I know I did.' You told her. 'I'm sorry.'

'You have nothing to be sorry for, Y/n.' JJ assured you, reaching for your hand. 'I just want to help, any way I can.'

You smiled limply at her, before lifting your coffee into the air.

'Then keep this up.' You suggested. 'Bringing me coffee definitely helps!'

JJ laughed with you, as she lifted her own cup to her lips and took a sip of her iced vanilla latte.

'I'd better be going, I've got to pick up Henry from childcare.' JJ said, preparing herself to stand up.

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