"Talk you piece of shit!" you could hear Spig's yell. Next thing you heard was Ghost coughing. Silence filled the room and the space around you. You then heard what sounded like water and then gagging. You busted through the door to find Spig's holding Ghosts head back by his mask and pouring water over his face. Spig's turned around and all color drained from his face.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" you yelled.

"Well, it was obvious that you couldn't get him to talk. You were being too easy on him Harley. This is a man's job, so let me handle it". Your vision was going in and out from your blood pressure rising. How dare he make you feel weak. "I know you're this big badass bitch who can handle herself but, with a man like this, this is something for me" he continues arrogantly.

Spig's walks over to you and reaches up to your cheek. "Now now little firecracker don't be upset. You know how you get when your anger gets the best of you". You could feel a tear rolling down your face. Spig's took his thumb and wiped it off your cheek before it could roll down anymore. You looked over at Ghost. You could feel his eyes on you. Spig's had really done a number on him. Both of his eyes were black and from the looks of it, he probably had a busted lip. His arms had cuts and bruises as well as his neck. The only reason you could see that was from the tears in the fabric.

Spig's cups your chin and tilts your head up to look at him. "Now, be a good little girl and go out there so daddy can finish with this pathetic waste of a human".

The anger you feel right now, is an anger that you have never felt before. Ever. It caused you to shake. It caused your vision to keep going in and out. You looked up at Spig's with tear filled eyes. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of hate. You turn to your left and make it seem like you are about to walk away, but you reach for the hatchet on the table and swing it at him. Spig's barely moves and the hatchet grazes his neck. He quickly reaches up to his neck and pulls his hand away to see blood coating his finger.

"You fucking bitch!" he yells with wide eyes. You didn't respond. Your chest was heaving up and down and if looks could kill now, Spig's was way beyond dead. He reaches into his cargo pants and pulls his knife out. "If this is how it's going to be, then so be it. You were too weak for this company anyway. Just like how your parents were killed in front of you and they left you alive as an example. I'm going to kill you as an example".

Tears filled both of your eyes from his words. That cut deep. Everyone on the team knew your backstory. "I'd like to see you try" you say back to him with gritted teeth.

He charges at you fast. You dodge out the way. Your adrenaline was high, and your senses heightened. Your whole body was shaking, and you were trying to stay calm so your anger wouldn't get you killed. "You fucking bitch!" Spig's says again. You just smirked at him and that pissed him off more. You watched his footwork and mirrored his moves with your own. This was definitely a game of cat and mouse.

"You just wait until I get a hold of you. I'm going to slit your throat from ear to ear" he seethes.

"I hear a whole lot of threats, but I don't see you backing up anything you're saying" you egged on. One thing you knew, one of you was walking out of here and the other was going to be set as an example for someone else. As you circle the room, mirroring each other's movements, you catch a glimpse at Ghost. You stare into his eyes and for once, you can't read your captor. This was a rookie mistake because Spig's took this opportunity to grab you by your long blonde hair and turned you around until your back was flushed against him.

He turned you until you were standing in front of Ghost and Sprig's behind you. He held his knife to your throat as he used his other hand to pull your hair harder cause you to expose your neck and arch your ass into him. Sprig's leans close to your ear and in a low tone he says, "I always wanted to fuck your tight body. I'm still deciding if I want to fuck you now while you're alive and hear your screams or when I kill you, so I don't have to fight, you just take it. Either way, our friend here gets a show".

You look down as best as you can and look into Ghosts eyes. He is still looking at you but you still can't read him. He has no emotion. Reality sets back in whenever you feel a hot sensation coming from your neck. You scream in pain as Sprig's runs the knife across your neck. "That's right. Scream for me" he coos in your ear. Sprig's is purposely making it slow and painful. You try to remain still as possible as he is right there by your main artery.

"When I get done with you, nobody will be able to recognize you. At least your parents had a clean death. I want to make sure you suffer" he continues. Tears rolled down your face and blood rolled down your neck. You kept looking back at Ghost and all he could do was watch. Watch with soulless eyes.

"Don't worry about him anymore. I'm sure he will enjoy this. I'm sure he enjoys watching you become punished like you punished him, but don't worry" Sprig's said as he turns his attention to Ghost, "Your time is coming". With that, he removes the blade and puts it on the other side of your neck and presses even harder. The pain was almost unbearable. It felt like your skin was on fire. I knew what Sprig's was doing. He was saving the best for last. My throat. I kept thinking of ways that I could get out of this, but I knew it would have to be at the right time.

"You take it so good" he continues in my ear. "Look how you bleed for me".

He removes the knife; you take this opportunity to knock him off balance. As soon as he removes the knife, you hit him in the balls and he let's go of your hair and immediately doubles over. You run to the opposite side of the room and wait to see what his next move will be. Sprig's starts laughing and slowly stands up.

"Not bad. Not bad at all, but that is a dick move" he says to you. "You know" he start as he walks towards Ghost, "It would be a shame if I just killed him right now and everything you worked so hard for was for nothing".

You didn't move. You didn't want to excite him. You watched him tilt Ghost's head back and place the blade to his throat and before you could think, you pulled the gun from your hip and fired off a round. You didn't want to use this because this gunshot could have been heard for several miles and you knew Unit 141 would be coming for Ghost. You watched in desperation as Sprig leaned back and dropped. Hitting his head on the table and cracking his head open as he hit the floor. Blood pooled around his head and his now lifeless body.

You walked over to him to make sure that he was really dead. You had to be sure even though there was a perfect hole between his eyes. You turned around to look at Ghost and he was still alive. Both of your heads jerked towards the door when Spark's came busting in. His face was pale.

"What the fuck Harley?!"

"I-its not what it l-looks like" you try to say but your voice was shaking. Sparks was looking at you all over and noticed the blood running down your neck. It wasn't long after that 287 and 305 were running down the hallway, boots splashing against the puddles. They stormed into the room with their guns on Ghost.

"You can put your guns down. He didn't do this" you say.

"Harley" Sparks says. You look up at him. "Here" he holds out his hand, "Come out here and get some fresh air".

You grab his hand and walk out of the room. 287 follows behind you and Sparks and 305 shuts the door and follows you as well. One thing you know for sure, it was about to be a long night.

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