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My name is Reina. I am a police officer. I am looking for a fugitive girl who is 15 and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is suspected of murder.

I enter the next city over from the one Katilyn and I come from. My red-brown hair is loosely pulled up into a ponytail. "You're sure that she went this way, Felicity?" I query of the blonde assisting me in my search.

"I am sure, Reina."

I sigh. "A fifteen year old murderer is one thing I never thought I would ever have to deal with..." I start my search with Felicity helping me.

Many hours have passed with no luck. "Gah! How could this have happened! We must have missed something..." It was only a day after the murder. Ever since this case began, I have had a strange feeling of unease.

One is Felicity. Supposedly, her mother's brother was Leon Metoni, Katilyn's father. That made me feel wary around the green-eyed blonde. Another is our interrogations with Mina, Seriah, Krystal, and Steven Metoni.

They all seemed to think that Kati was innocent, but our investigation of her made her seem like a capable person. For murder that is. Something about all this feels very, very wrong.

Based on what we found out, Katilyn is an expressionless and cold person who often locks herself in her room for hours and hardly ever comes out. She is very antisocial and didn't pay attention in school.

I once again scanned the city for suspicious characters or long blonde hair died blue and purple in streaks. Finding nothing, I called Felicty who was sweeping the other half of the city.

"Anything?" I ask. After a hesitant pause, she replies, "No, nothing."

My eyes narrow but I decide I need to trust her in order to catch Katilyn and find out the truth. I turn off my phone and put it away. Sometimes I wish it was a private investigation, but other times I wish they had assigned more people to find Katilyn.

I regroup with Felicity in the middle of the city. We meet at a quaint, little cafe and discuss the case over a cup of coffee.

Suddenly, gunshots ring out through the city. I instantly get up and run outside, my hand resting on my gun. I skid to a halt as I stare in horror at the two dead bodies of police officers and get a feeling that this just opened a whole new can of worms. Then I see a third one and notice he is still alive.

I rush to his side and check his injury. He was shot just below his ribcage on the left side. "Call an ambulance now!" I yell to Felicity, who nods and whips out her phone.

I watch them carry away the dead bodies and then the ambulance picks up the injured officer. Then, I take Felicity and drive to hospital to see if I can get any information, regarding who shot them and why and what happened.

After a while, the officer regained consciousess.

"What is your name?" "Officer Daves. Richard Daves."

"Can you tell us what happened, Richard? Who shot you and why? Anything of use?" I ask in a gentle tone. He shakes a bit. "We had found Katilyn and tried to capture her...But she got frightened and pulled out a gun..." He began. My eyes widen and I stifle a gasp. "...She started shooting like crazy and killed 'em both...I am more lucky and fortunate than they..." Richard shuddered and squeezed his eyes shut.

"That girl...has become a vicious killer. She is so damn scared, she started taking drastic measures when we were just gonna question her, you know?!" His volume escalated.

A sudden chill perpatrates the air and I get that chilling feeling again. "I think we...are real screwed now..."


Whew! Chapter 2 knocked out! Pov change sorry! This was definitely harder to write, but challenges can be fun! Hope you enjoyed! Look out for future updates!

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