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Name: Jaune Rodriguez

background: So basically he got separated from his family during a Grimm attack. An older Rico Rodriguez found him, raised him and trained him. They eventually found Jaune's biological family, and his parents seeing how safe Jaune was under Rico's care and how Jaune learned to fight better under Rico's tutelage than theirs, made Rico Jaune's guardian/teacher. A few years later Rico died of old age. Jaune wanting to keep his memory alive, legally changes his last name to Rodriguez. He applied to Beacon and got accepted due to Ozpin knowing Rico and knowing Jaune is capable.



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I know that in Just Cause Rico uses guns but I'm gonna make Jaune get creative with his grapple

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I know that in Just Cause Rico uses guns but I'm gonna make Jaune get creative with his grapple.

A/N: That's really all there is to say. Also I haven't decided on the ship yet but I have a few idea. I DO NOT do harems! Also also please don't tell me how to write my stories. I know most of you don't but I have had Individuals in the past say I should "pair this character with this character" or "this character wouldn't do that" it's my fanfiction dude so fuck keeping it 100% Canon. Other than that enjoy.

Jaune Rodriguez: Adrenaline JunkieWhere stories live. Discover now