Chapter Two

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Deathbringer's POV:

"This building super weird. Kind of chunky. Lopsided, maybe," said Blue, a family friend of mine.

"Yeah, sure." I sighed. Blue was so boring.

"Imma go pick up my class schedule. Bye, Deathbringer!" he chimed.

I sighed again. I used to have friends. Plenty of them. But they went to some fancy academy by the water, and I came here. Phyrria High. Which is why I'm actually interacting with Blue instead of talking to Fortune and Firehunter about tormenting the theater kids and all their exes to avoid.

Yeah, life's awful, and my life especially is kind of a sob story. I was hoping to be a normal teenager in highschool, but I guess the past always comes back to you. 

I snatched my schedule from the girl standing by the front door handing them out and went in to find my homeroom.

Unfortuneately, Blue ended up in the same homeroom as me. He gave me a huge wave and yelled, "DEATHY! COME HERE!"

"Great," I thought to myself. "Now everybody thinks I'm gay."

I walked over to the opposite end of where Blue was sitting and sat down in the chair.

This was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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