Switched roles.

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˚ · . Suegiku . · ˚
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Tecchou's POV ;

I can understand that my cooking isn't the best so I'm not even offended. We went out to eat and went to work, everything has been normal other than that spark and that conversation we had last night.. I still think he said that just to say it but I really want to make myself believe it but part of me is telling me that he's doing it out of pity and doesn't really mean it.

"Tecchou? Back to earth?" Jouno said trying to bring me back into the meeting. "I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" Teruko started talking but I could hear nothing but my thoughts, had I really believed something so foolish that he has probably said before? Was I overthinking the situation? Did he actually mean it?

3 hours later . .

"Tecchou, what's wrong?" Jouno asked as he sat beside me "Nothing, I'm just tired" I replied as I sat up. "There has to be more to it, you've been completely out of it the whole day, really what's wrong?" He questioned again. This is what I mean. This isn't the Jouno I know, this isn't the Jouno that loves seeing me in pain and hearing my heart slow down every time he lets me down so were his feelings really genuine or was this all an act to get in pants 'cause let's be honest.

My dick is not that amazing and good.

"Can we just talk when we get to the house?" I asked. He took a second to respond "Yeah- Ok"

God, now I was the problem.

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