Chapter 1

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    14-10. The star quarterback of Lincoln High School was ready for this crucial moment. "Set, blue 44. blue 44, hike, hike!" His brown eyes scanned the field. He threw the ball as it quickly released off of his hands.

   The crowd silenced as the brown ball soared through the crisp autumn air. The ball landed in the receiver's hand, landing right in the endzone.

  Cheers erupted as the ref signaled for the touchdown. They had done it! They had won it all, ending with a perfect season, because of their amazing quarterback: Connor Gray.

  Connor took off his helmet and threw it onto the field. He ran up to his teammates and they all hugged excitedly. "We did it boys!" Connor exclaimed with excitement and disbelief that he had actually done it. His team was the best in the whole state of North Carolina.

  He quickly ran up to his girlfriend, Ava. "You did it!" She screamed, she was so happy and relieved this had happened. Connor pulled her into a big hug. He lifted her off of the ground, still embracing her in his arms.

  "You're my everything." He said as he kissed her on the cheek before setting her down and running back to his teammates. 


   Ava waited for Connor outside of the boy's locker room. "Hey." Connor said as a beaming smile crossed his face at the sight of his girlfriend.

   "Hey!" She replied happily as he took her hand into his.

    "I can't believe we actually won." He said in disbelief.

     Ava smiled. "I can, you're an amazing player Connor."

    He looked down at her and smiled. He placed his sweet lips onto hers. He loved this girl so much. She loved football just as much as he did. He thought back to this last season. It was like yesterday that their first game was happening of the season.

  She was always yelling at the refs, cheering the loudest, wearing his jerseys, and she knew who and where he was throwing to before he knew, because she knew him and the game.

  "Wanna go get some shakes?" He asked.

   Ava grinned, "I thought you would never ask."


  Connor threw the football to Ava and of course she caught it. They were at a big field in her neighborhood. He loved this. Just them, doing the two things he loved most.

   "I hit you right in the hands!" Ava yelled exasperated.

   "Oh, c'mon it was so high!" He said pointing his arms up to gesture for "high". He was doing really bad defending his dropped catch.

  "I'm just hearing excuses." She said sarcastically.

   Connor rolled his eyes but chuckled to himself. He loved her competitiveness, he loved everything about her.

  Connor piggy backed Ava as they went back to her house. Ava rested her chin on the top of his head, with his ruffled brown hair laying against her cheek.

  "I love you baby," Ava said softly.

  Connor smiled. "I love you so much." Ava kissed his head just as they were turning onto her street.

  "You staying for dinner?" Ava asked sweetly.

   "Of course, then we have to watch the Sunday night game, I mean it is prime time." Connor said with a smirk.

  She giggled. "Chargers and Chiefs, right?" She asked.

   "You bet ya!" He exclaimed as he walked into the house.

   Ava quickly ran up to her room, telling Connor she would be right back as he nodded in response. "Hey Connor!" Ava's dad, Mr. Little exclaimed with a bag of groceries in hand as he walked through the front door.

  "Hey Mr. Little!" He said excitedly as he helped him set the bags on the kitchen counter.

  Connor grabbed a chip with salsa, as Ava walked down the staircase. She was in his football jersey, with some biker shorts, and her Nike blazers.

  Connor came up to her and hugged her. "You look so hot." He whispered in her ear, so her parents wouldn't hear him.

  Ava giggled and responded by placing a small kiss on his forehead.

  The game was about to start. Her mom was in the kitchen and her dad was working on the lawns outside. So, it was just them two watching the game.

  It was second quarter; the score was 17-14. "Oh, c'mon where's the face mask?!" Ava screamed annoyed.

  Connor rolled his eyes, exasperated. "How could they not call that?" He yelled also.

  After Ava had calmed down a bit, she rested her head on his cozy shoulder, but her focus was still on this football game.

  2 seconds left; the Chargers field goal unit was coming out to try to attempt to win the game.

 The ball was snapped, and the kickers leg quickly came in a swift contact with the ball. It soared into the air, and the ref signaled that it was good.

  "Yes!" The two both yelled in yelled at the same time.

  "That win was so deserved!" Connor exclaimed.

  "Exactly! The refs were horrible, but they won anyways!" Ava yelled in agreement.

  After hanging out for a while, it was time for Connor to go home. Ava hugged him goodbye, and then he got in his car and started to drive home.

  Connor slowly pulled into the driveway. Once he got out of the car, he walked to his mailbox, he slowly opened the mailbox.

  There it was. The orange envelope laying there, in perfect condition. His hands were shaking as he picked it up.

 He slowly opened the envelope from Alabama.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first part! Make sure to vote and comment! Love you all!

  Word count: 942


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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