Takes Three To Spill The Tea - Ch. 6

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Chapter 6:
Sick As A Dog.
Well, turns out he absolutely caught something, because the minute he heard his alarm ring in his ears and proceeded to turn over in his sheets and reach an arm to turn the damn thing off, a sudden pounding throbbed annoyingly at the back of his head, making his paw flinch back and grit his teeth in pain. George would quietly groan to himself, his body aching, his arm fur bristled like goosebumps all over. Jeus what the fuck?, I feel like fucking shit right now. Well, probably because I hadn't worn a good enough raincoat, but what does that matter, I have a damn exam today on algebra and I'm NOT missing it! He thought to himself as he forced him to sit up, only making a ring that had just come up and the pounding migraine worse, but he ignored it as he squinted up at his calendar on the wall. It was the 3rd, so it was a Thursday, great. And that exam has at least 70 or some shit questions, and he's not doing it tomorrow or burnout was just going to kill his ass. So, he peered back down to the sheets, seeing that he was back in a cold sweat again, but worse as a freezing chill ran down his spine, making him shudder. Ugh, fucking hate chills, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to school, I'll just borrow Tokyo's bike for today. George thought to himself as he tore the stupid sheets off of him, and got up with a small grunt. His vision was hazy, probably from sleep as he rubbed his eyes, but after a second a sudden wave of nausea washed over him, making his brow furrow as the upsetting gurgles from his stomach twisted. Maybe it was the takeout from last night? Hm, I probably ate something that my stomach didn't enjoy.. He thought again, as he awkwardly stood there. Another second pass before a second wave of nausea- and more worse than the first, made himself utterly go back and flop back down in bed, tucking his head under the sheets, muttering curses under his breath. He was ill, but he needed some way to get his clothes and get out of the damn apartment, thinking for a second before taking off the sheets once again, his nose picking up the delicious aroma of syrup and pancakes from down stairs. His mouth watered, now fully getting up before another round of nausea twisted his stomach. He groaned quietly under his breath, clutching a paw near his lower torso, before screwing the whole idea in his head and flopping back in his bed once again. George hadn't felt this badly sick since that awful flu he had caught from last year, but besides the point he curled himself up back in the blankets, now thinking it was best not to go to school today. He felt drained, the warm sun's uv rays of sunshine would peek through his black-light curtains, as his ears drooped. But the smell of those pancakes from downstairs was causing his stomach to gurgle loudly in anticipation, but now he didn't want to eat because of that awful nausea. But, he was hungry, so he tore back the covers once again and stood up. Immediately, ringing, nausea, and a splitting migraine would just feel like a punch to the face, with also the fact his vision was a little..hazy? Eh, whatever, it'll probably go away. His tail would be sagged all the way to the floor, as he shuffled over to his black-light curtains and opened them with his trembly paws, before utterly grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around him because he felt the need to. A short pause before he turned around to reach for his door knob, but suddenly stopped. Was he really going to do this? Well of course he was, he was hungry, and plus those pancakes are just egging him on! George would utterly frown at the conscious conflict, but shook the thought as he rested his paw on the knob and turned it.

Now carefully walking down the small hall, before turning the corner to the stairs. Oh fuck. George thought to himself worriedly, as his vision was still blurry, his legs trembling, yet his stomach was gurgling impatiently for those delicious pancakes. Shaking his head of the thought once more, he took a few steps, glancing over to Tokyo and Bentle who were already up, having what seemed to be toast with jam, scrambled eggs, and of course the classic orange juice again. Rubbing his eyes with a paw as a yawn escaped his maw, his tail dragging behind him on the stairs, but since nausea was still settled in his upset stomach, he had utterly lost his appetite as he awkwardly shuffled over to the couch, his tail twitched beside him as he glanced over to a book that was settled on the glass coffee table in front of him. He blinked, as he was about to reach for it before he heard a voice.

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