Takes Three To Spill The Tea - Ch. 5

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Chapter 5:
Everything Is Fine.
A loud boom of thunder would suddenly awake George. Jolting up from his sheets. Just a stupid, fucking nightmare, no big deal. They thought, feeling their heart pound hard in his throat with a sudden spark of panic. He would look down at himself in a cold sweat, still in their pajamas. Another crack of lighting made them flinch, almost scream, making them get out from his bed and peek out cautiously out their window from their black-light drapes. Their ears twitched, seeing a distant flash of lightning. George would close the drapes, quietly walking over to his drawer to see what time it was: 2:00 AM. He'd frown, sighing out a quiet groan before going over to open their door, carefully going down the stairs to make sure not to slip and tumble down. Maybe I'll just get some water i guess,.. They would think, heading over to the kitchen and opening a cabinet to grab a small glass, then taking the jug of water and pouring a bit into it. Setting the jug down back onto the counter, they would sit down at the kitchen table, taking a few sips of water from the glass. He'd rub his eyes, looking at the oven clock: 2:04 AM. Eh, oh well. They would sigh, as they twitch their ears at the pouring, soothing rain outside, feeling rather relaxed. George would place the water on the placemat that was in front of them, crossing their arms and laying his head on his folded arms. It would only be a few minutes before George would hear the creak of one of the stairs. His ears perked up, lifting up his head and turning around. It would be Bentle, wrapped in a fluffy blanket with a flashlight looking down at George with slight curiosity and confusion. "What are you doing down here?, aren't you supposed to be in bed?" He'd whisper loudly, walking down the stairs to then sit beside him. " Had an off-dream. " He spoke quietly, taking the last few sips of his water. They would both turn to the window when a loud crack of lighting was heard outside. "I'm surprised Tokyo is still asleep." Bentle whispered. George would nod. "I've heard him say that he loves listening to lightning and thunder, says it makes him sleep better." They would also nod, before a long break of silence filled the kitchen for a few seconds. "So,..why are you down here-?" George said, breaking the silence as a few minutes passed. He'd look at the oven clock again: 2:50, before then looking back at Bentle, gently poking them with a finger. "I just said-, same thing as you, an 'off-dream-?'" "O-Oh-,.." George slightly mumbled, realizing that he had dazed out for a couple of seconds. They would look outside of the window again. "At least it's not as bad as the others.." He said softly, mostly under his breath as his hazel eyes caught a glimpse of a flash of bright, white lightning, looking at the condensation outside of the glass. "Yeah,.." Bentle said quietly, also looking at the window. He would take off the blanket that was on them, throwing it on the couch nearby. George would sigh, getting up to quietly place the empty glass in the sink. He'd stare down at the sink with the empty glass, his tail was low to the ground, swaying in a quiet pattern. The pill from this morning had wore off hours ago, making himself feel drained and like shit. But he was already up and it's the middle of the damn night so that's probably not going to help. "Mm, you should be going back to bed, because I know a cranky Bentle when I see one." George would say with a cheeky grin, turning around from staring at the sink. Bentle would scoff lightly, jokingly, adding a small eye roll before replying. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go to bed, fine. But, aren't you going back to bed, too?" He'd say with a hint of worry in his voice, cocking his head to one side as their ears flopped in the direction of their head. "I'll go to bed in a minute, Bentle. Don't worry, I won't be up for long." He'd say softly as he went over to them and fixed their blanket that was wrapped around them like a little burrito. Envisioning this, he added a small chuckle. "It's like a little Burrito Bentle." He'd grin toothily, making Bentle frown joking. "That's a terrible description-" "No, it's a great description, I think it's adorable." He'd interrupt Bentle, placing his paw atop of their head and ruffling it a bunch. Bentle made an annoyed sound, which made George chuckle once more lightheartedly. "Alright, alright, I'll stop. But for real, go to bed you little adorable gremlin." He'd murmur softly, teasing them still in a lighthearted manner, before taking his paw off of their head, grinning softly as his tail wagged at the floor. Bentle would softly groan dramatically, before muttering. "Okay, okay, sheesh. I'll go to bed, you tall ass teaser." He'd giggle softly under his breath at the lighthearted insult, before motioning them to the stairs with a soft smile. Once they both had said goodnight again, Bentle would walk back up the stairs with the flashlight in his right grasp, the blanket dragged behind the stairs before he was finally out of sight. Plus, he had heard the faint close of their door, so now he definitely thought that Bentle had gone to bed. A short pause as he then turned his attention back to the window, still hearing the pouring rain from outside, suddenly having an idea. Well, not a smart one, but just to get his mind off of some shit at least, as he silently ran up the stairs to grab a thin raincoat he had had, quickly rustling it on while quickly scrambling down the stairs. He's zip up his raincoat halfway since he had a thing for the zipper being near his neck, sorta felt weird to him and Tokyo nor Bentle never knew why. As he then slowly turned the knob and creak open the apartment door, to have his ears get engulfed by the loud pouring rain and immese thunder. Immediately shutting the door, there was absolutely no way he was going to where that thin of a raincoat, grey comfy pants, and black sneakers...right? Nope. As he shook his head of all the thoughts that were barreling into the back of his head, and opened the door once more and quickly sliding out of the door and shutting it behind him, since he didn't want to get water inside the house. Now outside in this..very bad of a thunderstorm, he squinted his eyes to peer around, barely even able to see a few feet without rain blocking his vision. Lifting his raincoat's hood, the rain seeped into his hair and ears, making his ears twitch. It felt soothing, feeling his worries and concerns away as after almost a minute or two passed, the sudden loud crack of lightning in the darkened, grey sky make him yelp loudly enough that he decided it was best to go back inside. After a few minutes of tucking his now damp raincoat on the hanger rack, he went back upstairs with a soft grin on his face, his hair soaked as he ruffled his wet, brunette hair with both paws. He wouldn't want to take a shower because when he looked at the oven clock he was surely going to feel exhausted by the morning: 3:20 AM. Welp, so much for that. Anyway, he'd go back in his bedroom, closing the door behind him quietly as he turned on his desk lamp to be able to see himself pulling off his annoyingly wet socks, and tossing them into his hamper in the corner of his room. Before he put his switch in his drawer, closing it, and shuffling himself in his cozy sheets, his head resting on the pillow. Hopefully I don't catch anything, heh, George thought to himself with a grin on his face, soon closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.


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