Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7-Albert Longbottom
    Hans arrived at the prison, contempt written plainly across his face. The building in front of him was made of tan stone that was worn down by years of weather and neglect. He entered the prison without a second thought. He was stopped at the security check in. As he went through the motions his thoughts swirled in his mind.
"I hate this man, he caused so much pain to those around him. Especially his children, it's all his fault."
Hans was allowed through all the security after he placed his gun on the table in front of him. As he walks back toward the visitor room.
"Calm yourself Hans this is for one of your agents. Don't let this bastard get the best of you" Hans thought as he entered the room.
The room was a small cell-like space with an oblong table with three chairs. Two on the side closest to Hans. As Hans waited for Albert Longbottom to arrive, his mind drifted back to little things about Gracie he adored. Like how her eyes lit up when she was talking to someone she really loved and how she always knew just what to do when someone on the team was upset. Hans was so lost in thought he barely registered that the door that sat just a few inches from the chair across from him buzzed telling him that the prisoner was entering the cell-like room. Hans tried his best to clear his head of thoughts of the technical analysis whose smile  plagued his every thought.
"Hans manwell I've heard lots of things about you from that daughter of mine" Albert said as he was cuffed to the table by the guard.
"I don't care what you heard I just need to know we're your wife hides out" Hans replied dryly
"Now why would I tell you that" Albert said
"Because your daughter's life is at risk" the dark haired agent said back tartly
"Mm lose my daughter or my beloved wife's trust" Albert weighs the options out loud.
"Hurry you thinking up i don't have time for this nonsense" an exacerbated Hans semi yells.
"Try the old glass factory down by the river, or Pete's storage on the outskirts of town, and talk to a man named Reese Morgan he could probably tell you more" Albert replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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