Hua Mi parked the truck full of supplies next to the stall of Chi Chuan and the others, got out of the truck, and looked towards the martial law garrison.

  Chi Chuan came over, and took the initiative to say to Hua Mi, "Commander Gong sent people to organize the order, and the order will be much better once he comes to the gate of the city." "

  "Well, his ability is indeed good." Recalling what Gong Yi said, she explained to Chi Chuan about the materials warehouse in City B, and asked him to unload the materials from the truck.

  Then she walked towards the entrance of City B, and walked beside the very conspicuous armored vehicle.

  From a long distance, she saw Gong Yi sitting at the door of the armored vehicle, wearing combat uniform, tall and imposing, fiddling with a garrison scanning instrument in his hand.

  Seeing Hua Mi approaching, he raised his eyelids and glanced at her, then continued to look down at the scanner.

  Talk to her again, he is a dog!

  Gong Yi is a little cold today.

  This was Hua Mi's first intuitive feeling, she stood there thinking for a long time, did she offend him?

  That can't be done, Gong Yi has a golden thigh, this person is so far-sighted now, he will definitely be either the commander of the base or the deputy commander of the base in the future.

  In a few years, the survivors who have been tortured countless times inside and out by the apocalypse began to abandon the city as a unit, and finally set up a survivor base.

  There are countless large and small survivor bases, but the establishment of most bases is led by the garrison, and finally the commander of the garrison becomes the commander of the base.

  If someone like Gong Yi can survive until the end, the base he will build will be big and not small.


  Hua Mi smiled and called Gong Yi.

  Seeing that he was still looking down at the scanner, she leaned over and took out a bottle of Coke, "Please drink Coke, boss."

  Gong Yi held the scanner, turned his body sideways, turned his back to Hua Mi, and Don't pick up her Coke.

  He is definitely not a dog.

  In the car, the ticker beeped. He was mutinying in Xiangcheng, and the garrison headquarters had already exploded.

  Beside the car door, Hua Mi sincerely spent two seconds thinking about what she did wrong.

  Judging by Gong Yi's temperament, he is definitely not low.

  She poked the Coke towards Gong Yi's arm,
  "Oh, isn't that right? I was too busy with things in Xiangcheng, so I didn't notify the big boss in a hurry, right? Adults can't act like children. Yes, it's not good to be awkward over something like this."

  Gong Yi didn't answer, his face was still cold.

  So Hua Mi took the initiative to put the Coke into the pocket of Gong Yi's combat uniform, and continued to say with a smile,n"Boss, you are too hot-tempered, you see you yelled at me for no reason, I am a woman but I'm not angry at all, what are you angry about, old man? You have a big belly, a big belly~"

  Gong Yi tilted his head fiercely, staring at her fiercely .

  No, he doesn't talk to her, he doesn't want to be a dog!

 But she never understood what it was that annoyed him."Look, your eyes are like a wolf's. So scary, scare me to death, anger is a devil."

  Hua Mi patted her heart, and Gong Yi continued to stare at her.

  Ha! Keep pretending, a liar with a honeyed tongue. and a sword in her belly.

  He pursed his lips tightly, not being a dog, not being a dog, not being a dog.

  Seeing that he didn't speak, Hua Mi leaned over again, smiling flatteringly, "Boss, I swear, after you hung up on me, I felt nervous, so I rushed to City B to apologize to you, then, Are you still going to take me to see the material warehouse in City B now?"

  "Are you racing?!"

  Gong Yi couldn't take it anymore, he jumped out of the armored vehicle and yelled at her,

  "Don't you know what's going on on the road? You're still racing?"

  The national road is not easy to walk, not only there are falling rocks on the road, but there are also steep and sharp turns, and there are no guardrails.

  Drag racing on this kind of road is no different from courting death.

  Hua Mi took two steps back, said "Ah", and said naturally, "Isn't this in a hurry to apologize to you, I was wrong, I will not go racing in the future." she clicked a few times in the air, as if she didn't know what to say anymore.

  He turned around and walked away. After two steps, he walked back quickly with his waist bent, and his tone was terrible. "Am I talking about you driving fast ? I'm saying that you don't take your own life seriously at all." !"


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