Chapter III

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The next morning Qingheng Jun went to see Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren, he has left Lan Zhan to look after Wei Ying. 'Wei Ying, please don't do this. Please tell me why are you trying to kill your self?' Lan Zhan look down at both of Wei Ying wrist.

"A-Huan, A-Ren," the two look toward the door way to see, "Fuqin!" "Xiong Zhang!" Qingheng Jun walk into the room, he went to sit down on the other side of Lan Qiren.

"A-Ren, A-Huan, I need to know what is going on with Wei gongzi? I found him with both of his wrist bleeding from the cut on his wrist."

"What?!" The two looked at each other then back to Qingheng Jun. "Is he alright? Who is looking after Wei gongzi right now?" Asked Lan Xichen. "Cal down now A-Huan. Wei gongzi is alright now, A-Zhan is with Wei gongzi right now. Can you two tell me why do we have a guest students trying to kill himself?"

"Fuqin, the thing is at first we didn't see Wei gongzi trying to harm himself. But then during the lecture Wei Gongzi suddenly stand up, his eye is full of sadness and anger in them. He ran out of the classroom, toward the back hill of our clan and then he let himself fall into the lake. He keep saying to Wangji, "why did you save me?" It is like he want to die. We don't really know what happen, Fuqin."

Healer room

Lan Wangji who just came back from getting food for Wei Wuxian, he hear, "Get out! Get out! Get out! I don't want to see any of you Lan!" All of the Lan healer left the room. "What happen?" Asked Lan Wangji.

"Lan er gongzi, Wei gongzi, he...he..." the healer couldn't speak, "Let me try," when Lan Wangji try to enter into the room, he suddenly felt a powerful energy pushing him back. "Lan er gongzi," the healer is there to help Lan Wangji from falling backwards.

"You All Stay Away From Me! I Don't Want To Live! You Hear!" Shouted a very angry Wei Wuxian.

Lan Qiren room

"Master Lan! Zewu Jun!" The healer is surprise to see Qingheng Jun there as well. "What's wrong?" Asked Lan Qiren.

"Is Wei gongzi, he shut us all out. Lan er gongzi can't go back in."

"This isn't good, let's go!" All of them left from there as they head to the healer quarter. When all three of them got there they see all of the healer is waiting outside, they see Lan Wangji trying to get in no matter what.

"A-Zhan, stop that," Lan Wangji turn to see his brother, father and uncle standing to his right. "Wangji," Lan Xichen take Lan Wangji away from there. Qingheng Jun walk right up to the door way, "Wei gongzi, can we talk? I would like to know why are you doing this to yourself? I know that you don't trust anyone but you can trust me."

Qingheng Jun see a small opening since he can smell the medicine from inside of the room, "You all wait out here," Qingheng Jun walk into the room.

When he enter into the room he see Wei Wuxian curling up in the corner of the room with his knee to his chest. Qingheng Jun walk over to where Wei Wuxian is at, he kneel down to Wei Wuxian level, "dear child, why don't we go sit down on the bed? You will catch a cold if you sit on the floor."

Qingheng Jun held out his hand in front of Wei Wuxian, "is alright, I won't do anything to you. Like I said, I know that you don't trust anyone but you can trust me," just by hearing that Wei Wuxian take  Qingheng Jun hand.

He take Wei Wuxian back over to the bed, "Now, can you tell me what is going on with you? Why are you trying to kill yourself? I will listen, I won't judge you. Everything you said, I will believe you."

"You will?" Wei Wuxian asked quietly, "Mn. I will." Wei Wuxian then begin to tell Qingheng Jun about how he was accused for killing Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun to all five sect and minor sect killing the innocent Wen for something they didn't do and to all five sect and minor sect went to war against him.

"When I was hanging off the cliff by Lan Zhan who was trying to save me, Jiang Wanyin walk up, he stabbed his sword on a rock near my hand and Lan Zhan hand, he twisted his sword, that is when I hear a crack coming from the rock. I knew that I need to let go or Lan Zhan will fall with me."

"You pull your hand out from A-Zhan hand?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "That is how I end back up the past. I am very tired....I don't want to do this all over again. I don't want to see the people I care about die before my eye or getting kill because of me."

Qingheng Jun put his hand on top of Wei a Wuxian head, "You must have gone through a lot. No one should have gone through what you have gone through."

"Lan Zhan....Lan Zhan look so sad when he see me falling down toward the abyss below me. I can't find myself to look at the Lan Zhan of this timeline. I can't hurt him like I have hurt the Lan Zhan in the future."

"I will let A-Zhan know," 'he is begin to fall asleep,' "do you want to get some rest?" Qingheng Jun see Wei Wuxian shaking his head no, but he can see how sleepy Wei a Wuxian is.

"How about I tell the healer and A-Zhan not to bother you? I am getting the feeling that you don't want anyone to bother you right now." Wei Wuxian can only nodded his head.

When Qingheng Jun is about to get up he hear Wei Wuxian saying, "Can you not letting Yu Ziyuan in here?  Don't let her know where I am at? I don't want to get abused by her?"

"Abuse? What did she do?" Qingheng Jun look at Wei Wuxian hand tighten on his clothes, "she used her Zidian on me. She said say thing that hurt me a lot....she even threatened me not to tell anyone about her hitting me. If I do, then she will hurt me even more."

"That women," Qinghen Jun help Wei Wuxian to lay down, "don't worry, I won't let Yu Ziyuan to come near you. Get some rest now okay?" With Qingheng Jun patting Wei Wuxian head gently, he fell asleep with a soft sigh.

'I should talk to A-Ren about this, we need to keep Wei Wuxian here in cloud Recesse. We can't let him return back to the Jiang clan,' with that last thought Qingheng Jun left from there.

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