Miyoka-The living proof of our love

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Somewhere in Japan, in a Town there appeared a portale and a little 5 year old black haired and pale blue eye girl named Miyu fell out of the portale then it disappeared, Miyu pulled herself up 'Where am i?' she asked herself looking around she walked around trying figure whats going until she bumped into someone Miyu looked up and saw a blond haired and pink eyed girl (Brat) "Oh! Sorry!" Miyu said smiling but the Woman (brat) looked at her annoyed "Watch where your going! Stupid Brat." Kaya (Brat) mumbled at the last part walking away and Miyu heard she started to tear up and ran into a forest "Mama! Papa!" Miyu shouted as she ran not looking where she is going. After moments of running Miyu realised she is lost 'Mommy and Daddy will kill me!' Miyu said to herself until she saw a house that was very familiar "Home!" Miyu beamed as she ran towards the house, outside the House a middle age woman swipping, the gate of the house was slightly open so it was easy for Miyu to get in when Miyu saw the middle age woman she smiled widley and ran up to her hugging her leg "Yurie! You're here!" Miyu exclaimed Yurie startled and looked down to find a little girl hugging her leg Yurie bended down to her "Hello little one how did you get in here?" Yurie asked and Miyu pointed to the gate Yurie's eyes widen "Oh I must have forgotten to Close the Gate." Yurie Said going up to the Gate and closing it.

Then Yurie looked at Miyu "Where are your Parents little one?" Yurie asked bending down to the child Miyu titled her head "But Yurie you Know my Mama and Papa." Miyu told Yurie looked at her confused "Okay then What are your parents names?" Yurie asked Miyu smiled "Kiyoka and Miyo Kudou!" Miyu answered with a smile the middle aged woman eyes widen 'The Young Master and Miss Miyo have a child!?' Yurie thought in shock.

Meanwhile inside the Kudou home Miyo was in a room sewing something then she heard the door open Miyo turned and saw Yurie standing there "Oh hello Yurie." Miyo greeted "Hello Miss Miyo we have a......special visitor." Yurie said slightly smiling Miyo looked at her confused then noticed a little girl peeking from behind "Umm.......Yurie who is-" "Mommy!" Miyu said running to Miyo and immediatly hugged her with a smile Miyo looked down at the child shocked and confused "M-Mommy?" she asked then Miyu looked up at her "Mother" "I'm your future Daughter." Miyu said Miyo was shocked "W-What? If your my future Daughter then who is my future husband?" Miyo asked her in confusion and shock but then Miyo noticed that Miyu looked familiar with her blue eyes look excalty like....."I'm home." the three looked and saw Kiyoka standing there still in his uniform Miyu smiled widely "Daddy!" she said pointing to him Kiyoka's eyes widen in shock as for Miyo she blushed madly. 

Miyu was now sitting between Miyo and Kiyoka who was now wearing his blue Kimono robe "Alright,  Miyu I'm gonna ask you a few questions." Kiyoka said "Okay." Miyu repsonded with a little smile "Miyu, where did you come from?" "The future." Myiu said and Kiyoka put his hand on his chin "If your from the future then how did you get here?" "I have time travling powers! Thats my gift but I have others like you Daddy." Miyu told "Alright if you say me and Miyo are your Parents then do have any proof?" he asked Miyu nodded and took out a familiar purple hair tie and showed it to Miyo and Kiyoka "Is that....the hair tie I gave you Lord Kudou?" Miyo asked "Hold on." Kiyoka said before untying his hair and compared his to the one Miyu had and saw that.......they were indeed the same. Miyo and Kiyoka eyes widen in shock and both blushed madly that their Future Daughter was right infront of them "Then you are....." Miyo said "You are our Daughter." Kiyoka said finishing Miyo's scentence Miyu nodded then got up and ran up to them hugging them tightly smiling "Mama Papa." Miyu whispered while smiling Miyo and Kiyoka looked at each other then smiled and their Future Daughter tightly.

                                                                  2 days later 

It had been  two days since Kiyoka and Miyo met Miyu she went back to her own timeline and of course They miss her already but Miyu said they will see her again. Miyo was sitting infront of the house then she felt someone sit next to her Miyo looked to her side and saw her Sliver haired Fiance "Oh, Lord Kudou." Miyo said Kiyoka looked at his Raven haired Fiance "Miyo....Could you from now on call me Kiyoka?" Kiyoka asked with a gentle Smile Miyo blushed but nodded "Of course Lord ku- I mean Kiyoka." Miyo corrected then Kiyoka cupped her cheek "I look forward to our future together Miyo." Kiyoka said with a warm smile Miyo smiled back "Me too, Kiyoka." Miyo said. Kiyoka and Miyo leaned in then shared a passionate kiss under the moonlight. Excited for the future ahead of them.

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