[Sweeten egdes]

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I wake up to see sapnap by me - my head acked oh shit what on earth did my mind decided to do.. in the drunk heads pace.

I could fell myself comepetely exposed - as I blinked did i.. put myself into him...

I looked down settling my eyes on the purple and white scattered boy  by me.

'Oh damn atleast it was the boy I really  couldn't stop thinking about' I thought.

I slowly move to get up - god how do I expline this to my roomate ... because  honstly I have no clue what I said to him last night I was drunk.

He moved to me and tried to speak only to be well hardly able to be understand.

"N...n go" he gave a soft broke whine

This boy is honstly  gonna make me weak so well I end out down on my knees ain't he, a pretty ring ro ask him the 100 dollar question.

That's kinda far ahead - I laid there and hold him close I need to just make us even a thing before I even try to find that ring.

But the idea of pepole judging me or him.. it breaks my nerves and shows my weakness.

His pretty  eyes opened glazing at me.

"G'moring sunshine" I hummed.

"M-m..or..n" he muttered.

"Damn I must of really exercised you're voice last night" I hummed, "you felt so good for me~"

Of crouse I didn't know how he did or not but alittle confine white lie never hurt anyone.

He'd blush and kiss my cheek and pointed to clothes.

"Good point I will get us all cleaned and dressed dear" I say picking him up bridle going to the bathroom and gave him a nice warm bath.

He smirked and pulled me in with him, "ah!"

H3d huf me and nussled into me, "m..ne" he mutter.

"Did you just say mine?" I asked raising a brow.

"Y..u f..c..d me" he'd mutter, "s. Y.s"

"I fucked you  so yes?" I asked.

He nodded, "unl..s yo. Wa..a a.k" he mutter.

"I do want to ask.. but when you're more responsive properly"  I Saif, "but you can say I'm urs all u want.."

He nodded as we bathed - and soon I had him on the couch in my hoodie a some boxers - I was shirtless in sweats.

I decided I'd make him some bacon - and fluffy scrabled and hash, "hot cocoa?"

He nodded, and then looked to the tv I finshed making it comeing to his aid and sitting it with the try gentelly on his lap.

He ate while I cuddle him softly kissing him on the neck softly being all the romanticness  I wanted with him he leaned on my chest.

He drew some hearts on me and  did this I ♡ you thing.

"Love  you too" I say softly pecking him.

His phone went off so I took the tray and gave it -  Dream whoever that is.. seems to be worried.

For.. what's mine.

"Is he.. someone -spical" I ask.

He typed 'bestfriend' and deleted it.

I just calmed down and he calmed the other explind.

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