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The next week for Mae was very busy, despite not having to work in the cafe. She was constantly packing her belongings and then shipping them to London.

It had become such a distraction for Mae that the night before she was supposed to catch her flight, she realised she hadn't packed her suitcase.

Luckily, that wasn't a big task for her, she had her suitcase packed within an hour, which meant Mae's apartment was officially empty apart from the furniture which had been in her apartment before she'd moved in.

Mae had texted Alex asking if he could pick her up from the airport and he had agreed, so Mae was quite surprised when she got a text from Alex saying something had come up and he wouldn't be collecting her.


mae im so sorry i cant
collect you from the
airport tomorrow

somethings come up

but george said he
would bring you to the
house tomorrow
if thats ok with you?

yeah thats perfect

my flight gets in at 4
so ill probably be out
around half 4

thats good

ill tell george to be
there at half 4 then

also all your stuff
arrived at the house

oh they were meant
to arrive on wednesday

is there any chance you
can leave the boxes in
my new room?

yeah will do

everyone cant wait to
meet you mae

all my friends have
heard so much about you
from all of their fans
over the past week

i cant wait to see
them all and
meet them either

and i cant wait to see
you alex itll be our first
time meeting tomorrow

anyway i better go get
some sleep i have a long
day ahead of me

k see you tomorrow

Before she went to sleep, the brunette set an alarm on her phone then she switched it off and plugged it in on her bedside table. Mae climbed into bed and covered herself with the bare duvet. She closed her eyes and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

She woke up at 10 am, as soon as she heard the alarm as she was extremely excited to move to London.

Mae turned over in the bed and got up to get dressed. She had left out something to wear to the airport the morning before and quickly changed into it. The outfit consisted of a pair of flared black leggings, a white cropped tank top, a black zip up hoodie and her trusty pair of worn out converse that had stuck with her for the past year. Mae then stuffed the clothes she had worn to sleep into her suitcase and zipped it closed.

Mae grabbed her suitcase and her carry on bag and left her apartment for the last time. She locked her door and went downstairs to leave her key in the postbox for her landlord to pick it up when he came to sort the post at the end of the day.

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