| XLR8 |

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Another OG alien you can't help but love!

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Another OG alien you can't help but love!

XLR8 is a velociraptor-type alien known as a Kineceleran and judging by the looks of it, these guys are known for their super speed!


Let's begin with the most obvious.

Kineceleran's are widely known for their enhanced speed, strength and reflexes.
They can reach up to 804 km/h within two seconds!

In the episode titled the Unnaturals it is revealed that Kineceleran's are able to move so quickly that time itself seems to stand completely still for them.

With their amazing speed these aliens are also able to create real tornadoes by running around in a circle at high speed.

Within seconds they can think of over a million different solutions to any problem, in other words: they think quickly.

Their scissor-like claws give them the ability to cut through many objects with ease.


When taking a closer inspection on the Kineceleran's body type we can all agree that they lack physical strength.

I am aware that I've mentioned in the ability section that Kineceleran's have enhanced strength, which is true!
In the episode titled the Krakken, XLR8 proved this by carrying numerous fishermen and Gwen safely back to the shore without even slowing down a second.

However he does possess a limit to his strength and physical strength is that limit, because if they did have that much strength (which resolves having more muscle) they wouldn't be known as the fastest aliens since all of that muscle will eventually slow them down.

They cannot run well on slippery ice or strong adhesives.

Things like magnets and charged pulses are said to disorient a Kineceleran to the point where they aren't able to balance their speed properly.

Another weakness which isn't shown that often is the Kineceleran's tail.
Yes, having a tail is a huge advantage for it helps them make sharper turns and keep their balance while running.
You can see this same exact situation when examining a cheetah.
It's long tail measures around 66-84 cm, which helps them keep their balance and make sharper turns when hunting for food.

However the tail can get tangled and stuck in messy places or the enemy can take advantage of the Kineceleran's tail and throw them on the ground just by grabbing their tail (do not understand this the wrong way, I know what you were thinking you bat-fowling baggage 🤬).

Kineceleran's cannot run on sticky surfaces unless their speed enhances.

Another weakness which is rarely mentioned anywhere is hyperactivity.
Kineceleran's have a hard time focusing while they are in their hyperactive state.
This is proven in the Omniverse episode titled Third Times The Charm where XLR8 quickly got bored reading magic books and read Sumo Slammers instead.

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