Do you have to be such a bitch? - J.M

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Description- Y/N and Joel are patrol partners and have never gotten along, general snarky comment and passive aggressive stares, but it always feels like there's something more to it? Turns out there is 😉

Warnings- Kissing, swearing

Word count- 1562 words

"God you don't have to always be such a bitch, you know?" I say with a huff and an eye roll, finally snapping after he's been acting like a bitch all throughout patrol with me today.

Me and Joel have always hated each other for some reason. And none of us really know why. We are always picking petty arguments over random things and making digs at each other.

But for some reason everyone around is is convinced that we are in love with each other or something, which we aren't, right..?

That's why Tommy keeps putting us on patrol together to try and get us to make up. But obviously to no avail.

"Y/N..." Joel grumbled at the insult, his brow furrowing in annoyance as he turned to face you. "I don't have time for this bullshit. Do your job."

And with that, Joel walked off to the back of the room, a look of disdain painted across his face.

There have been rumours that the two of us had a past, but Joel has always denied them. The tension between the two of us is enough to cut the air with a knife, though.

"I'm doing my job! Just stop being a bitch and I won't have to be one back." I snap, closing the door behind us and signing us into the log book for patrols.

After rolling his eyes, Joel's gaze fell to the floor as he sighed. "You do realise I have a name, right? You could at least use it."

Joel leaned against the wall, running a hand through his messy hair as he looked around to make sure everything was locked.

"This is about the only work we'll be getting done tonight. How come Tommy thinks the two of us need to patrol together?" He says with his eye brows raised a scowl on his face.

"He's your brother how would I know." I mutter under my breath but I knew he heard me by the glare on his face.

Joel sighed, his brows furrowing in thought as he looked at the time on his wristwatch. "Do you have any idea how long it's been since we went on a patrol together without fighting? If we got paid every time we bickered, we'd be rich."

"Exactly. So we should just stay away from each other." I scoff at him with a side eye.

"It's not that simple, Y/N." Joel growled as he turned to face you, that same intensity in his eyes. His shoulders were taut, his jaw clenched. This always happened to me: We'd have this moment of calm followed by an argument or another exchange of words that cut harder than any blade.

"Tommy just won't give up on us. As much we hate it, we're stuck together." He grumbles, his arms crossed in an annoyed way.

"Or you could just tell him to fucking stop rather than just saying 'oh look at that, I have to, there's no other option!'" I mock with a pissed expression.

"Oh yeah, I've never tried that before." Joel said with a heavy dose of sarcasm as he pushed passed me, hands on his hips as he shook his head.

"Why don't you go and have a chat with Tommy then. I'm sure he'll listen." He suggests with a sarcastic smile.

Joel turned to look at you for a moment or two before turning his back and beginning to pace about the perimeter.

"Oh my fucking god.. I miss when Tommy used to be a fucking push over." I groan with a huff, knowing Tommy will just dismiss my words.

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