I look over at Loki and he just smiles widely. Fuck it, let's go nuts.

"Honestly, your brother"

Everyone's eyes widen at my responds and Loki just puts his hands on his mouth trying not to laugh out loud.


Dan ask with a 'wtf' tone.

"Weren't expecting that, were you?"

I said in a teasing tone. This is fun, I should done this earlier.

"Honey, chill."

Before I could respond Loki takes my phone.

"Besides your brother, I think nothings wrong with her."

He saids and I go with the flow.

"Aw, geez thanks"

I said with an overly happy voice.

"Athena, did you forgot the bet?"

Dan's makes me recall a bet and how I almost lost it one time, fuck. Okey, just maybe two.


Loki mouths at me "what bet?"

"You did, didn't you?"

I take my phone from Loki's hand.

"Maybe, buttttt"

Dan start laughing at me and I roll my eyes at him.

"But what?"

He asks and I can feel him grinning.

"I haven't lost"
"Don't tell me, did Yato c block you"
"Kinda, I'll tell you later. I got to go."
"Ok, love. See you later"

I hang up and put my phone away. When I go back to my place everyone is staring at me with curiosity. 


I ask dissimulating innocence.

"What bet did you do?"

Tsukito ask surprising me. I wasn't expecting him to ask me that. He always looks like he doesn't give two shits.

"Haha, it's a long story"
"We have time"

Loki says and I ignore him.

"Yeah fairy, tell us"
"Please, miss Athena"

Apollo and Baldr join in and I just pretend I'm not listening.

"Is it that bad?"

Dionysus asks and I look him dead in the eye.

"θα γελάσεις"
Your going to laugh, I say and he just looks at me confused.

"Fairy, why is he going to laugh?"

You know what, what the worst thing that can happen? I'll just say it and keep going with my life.

"Ok so, me and a couple of friends were drinking and we were talking about my sex life in my other life's."


Loki ask and I hush him.

"And they bet that in this life I wouldn't keep my virginity for five years and I said I could."

And guess what, in cue Dionysus laugh.

"I told you."
"Did you lost already?"

Hades ask with confusion over Dionysus reaction.

"No, I haven't lost. I'm still a virgin. The goal is to wait until this December"

Loki snorts and I give him the stink eye.

"So when December is over your going to get laid??"

Loki ask me with a dangerous glare. I can even feel the temperature drop with the way everyone is looking at me.

"With who??"
I ask making the temperature drop more.

"Dude, I think this almost five years have make me really like being a virgin"

And at last the temperature goes back to normal, weird. I lied tho, when I get out of here I'm definitely getting the lay of my life. That's a promise.


Apollo ask weirdly cheerily. I close my eyes and nod, I can't lie to those innocent eyes.

"If you say so"

Dion saids knowing the truth which kinda makes me uneasy.

"Are you going to promise your virginity to someone special?"

Baldr ask also cheery.

"Hell no, I already did that and it ended with me marrying a demon!"

To be continued....

I know I said that I was in a hiatus but inspiration struck!!! Enjoy 😉

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