Chapter 3. He's Cute

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Summer had finally convinced his mom that she didn't have to bring him breakfast in bed every morning and they had eventually compromised on Sundays only.

Summer was also working on returning to the normal and healthier routine which he had before his mental health got so bad. So today he got up with the sunrise and went for a run which was something he used to do three or four times a week.

His run is short since it has been so long since the last time he did it. Afterwards he wanders around on the beach enjoying the silence and peace before the hordes of tourists arrived.

It is strange being back in his childhood town. Summer loves it here but after he started college he rarely came home. His mom always pretended not to mind but Summer knows that it bothered her.

The problem is that he still doesn't know why he is so averse to coming home. Perhaps it is because everything changed subtly and not so subtly when Sam married his mom and moved in.
Summer has always struggled with anything that changes or unbalances his life so he had dealt with Sam like he did anything else that he struggled with. Extreme avoidance.

He would be the first to admit that it was definitely not healthy. That is partly why he is back now. His mom had discussed various options with him and Summer had chosen this one, coming home for an uncertain amount of time to heal and hopefully reconnect with his mom and get to know Sam more.

Sam has already exceeded Summer's expectations. The fact that Sam genuinely cares so much for Summer despite his repeated avoidance of Sam still surprises him. But he should have known his mom would never settle for less.

Summer wonders if Sam's whole family is like him. Caleb certainly seems to be. Perhaps he has been missing out on something special by insisting on having nothing to with them.

His mom and Sam are gone when Summer gets back to the house. Caleb is in the kitchen cracking eggs into a bright yellow bowl.

"Good morning," Summer says.

Caleb turns with a smile. "Buenos días. How was your run?"

Summer pours a glass of water. "Exhausting. But I'm glad I did it."

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet."

"I'm making migas. Do you want some?"

"I'd love some, thanks."

Summer goes to his room and comes back fifteen minutes later freshly showered and wearing a soft yellow hoodie. "Caleb?"


"Are you afraid of rabbits?"

Caleb looks at him blankly for a moment. "No?"

"Good," Summer goes to his room and comes back carrying a small, fawn colored bunny. "Her name is Waffle."

To his delight Caleb is instantly charmed. "Can I hold her?"

"Yes," Summer hands over the fluffy creature. "She loves people."

"Why'd you name her Waffle?"

"My college girlfriend named her. She was obsessed with waffles at the time. She was convinced they were the only thing getting her through college."

"I feel like sometimes food really is the only thing keeping me motivated," Caleb says. "Although for me it's making food. I cook a lot for my...friends. Mostly breakfast."

"You cooked breakfast for me," Summer says gesturing to the covered plates on the kitchen table. "Does that make us friends?"

Caleb blushes. "I guess it does."

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