-Keep Going

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"You've been practicing," Lieutenant Washington remarked during their next training session.

"I sure have!" Ruby was flushed, panting and grinning. 

"I can tell."


"Yes, very good." A pause, then, "I hear you're seeking training advice from  the Commander now."

"Oh-" She guessed it made sense that the Commander would share this with his right hand woman, and her current trainer. 

"Tryin'a ditch me?"

"Lieutenant I-"

"Hey, I'm just messing with you." She didn't break their duel once for the duration of their conversation - oh no, Lieutenant Alicia Washington wouldn't break a fight just to have a conversation.  "I think it's a good idea."

"You do?"

"Yeah, he's the original colonist, and in charge. Makes perfect sense to me."

"Well I'm glad. And I'm glad you're not upset. We can still keep up our sessions, right?"

"We'd better. Then you can see who's the better trainer." Alicia winked. 

"Doctor Marshall, Lieutenant Washington." Speaking of, the man himself had arrived, once again peeking in on their progress.

Naturally, that was when the Lieutenant threw a pretty mean punch right into Ruby's gut, sending her buckled over. 

Alicia straightened up in the presence of her commanding officer.  "Sir."

Ruby tried to straighten up too, but didn't get very far. "Sir," she groaned in echo.

"I see the training is going well."

"Very well, Sir."

"Is that so? Doc?"

She just flashed a thumbs up, still bent over. 

"Mind if I cut in? I would like to speak with Doctor Marshall."

"Please, Sir." Alicia nodded, then took in Ruby's still-hunched position. "I think we're good for today."

Taylor turned to Ruby. "Walk with me, Doc."

Thankfully, the pain was wearing away, so she could manage a mostly upright position as they started to stroll around the training grounds. 

"I wanted to say how impressed I was with your response to the emergency," he informed her, speaking of the rescue of the rogue teens the other night. "I thought you were very professional despite the hectic situation."

"I was actually quite nervous - I'm used to working with fossils and bones and things, not the real deal. And the real things are terrifying, let alone fascinating. But thank you, Sir, that means a lot."

"Keep it up, Doc. You're a valuable member of our team."

Her whole body soared at these words of his.  "Sir, have you given any more thought as to my proposition about you training me personally?"

"I have." His expression gave nothing away.  "Meet here at 0700 hours on Wednesday."

She couldn't help the huge grin that spread across her face at this.  "Thank you, Sir!"

After finishing getting settled into their new home after Josh's stunt with the other teens, the Shannons invited Ruby for dinner.

"Thank you so much for this," she gushed to her new neighbours, loaf of garlic bread, her addition to the meal, in hand. "Though I really should be inviting over you lot, my new neighbours."

"Well it's probably easier for us to host one extra person than you hosting five," Jim remarked.

"True, but next time's on me."

"Yay!" cheered Zoe.  "That'll be fun!"

Ruby ruffled the girl's hair.  "I'm glad you think so, little one."

All throughout dinner, observing the Shannons, Ruby ached for this beautiful family, this family of five.

Curse those stupid laws. 'Family is Four'.

Without them, her own family could have been like this, like Jim, Elisabeth, Josh, Maddy and Zoe Shannon.

Family isn't just four, it's whatever you want it to be. However, her parents had clearly been nothing like Jim and Elisabeth. Ruby had never known them, but she just knew. 

She told them so as she was leaving and thanking them for dinner. "I just want to say how badass I think you are for having three kids and committing to it. I'm an illegal third child, like Zoe, and I wish my parents had been half as courageous as you."

"Oh, Sweetheart," sighed Elisabeth.

"You have a beautiful family and I'm so glad you're here."


The gifts of samples continued - the dino feces sample led to more samples of varying varieties: feathers, rocks, plants (cause even those were prehistoric!), and even a tooth! 

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you're trying to keep me ING," Ruby half-joked when the Commander brought the latest gathering of samples from beyond the colony's borders.  "ING, 'inside the gates'..."

He chuckled at her acronym, but then turned serious.  "Someday, Doc. Someday."

"Sorry Sir, I don't mean to nag you-"

"No, I understand, Doc. No need to apologize. Oh, and we can't forget-" He pulled something from his pocket - a little flower. "I promised I would bring flowers next time, didn't I?"

"You did. I'm pleased that you came through with your promise." She grinned and took the offered flower. 

"Oh I always keep my promises."

"I believe it, Sir."

He nodded and turned to leave.  "See you in the morning Doc."

"Bright and early sir."

Yes, at 0700 hours tomorrow, she had her first personal training session with the Commander. 

(Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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