Chapter 7: A New Friend

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They arrived at the door leading to Isabel's room. "Ready to have your mind blown?" Isabel said to Varian. "I'm ready." Varian replied and Isabel opened the door to her room. Varian was amazed at all the inventions that the princess had made. He had heard about some of Isabel's inventions before, but he didn't know how much stuff she invented. Ruddiger jumped off his back and scoured up to Isabel's bed where he laid on a pillow. "I guess someone already found a new place to rest." Isabel said, laughing at her joke, with Varian giving a quiet chuckle.

"So what do you think?" Isa asks. "What do I think?" Varian said. "What do I think? This is incredible. I have never seen a room with this many inventions in my life. Did you really make all of these?" "Well, some of them I got help from my friends and family, but I did make most of these by myself." Isabel said. She began to show Varian some of her invitations from her guitardion to her bakery bike to the Presto Changer, Varian was amazed by all of them.

"You really did create some very amazing stuff," Varian tells her. "Better than the stuff I made." "Oh, I can't be the only person in here that makes amazing stuff," Isabel said. "It seems like you have invented more stuff than I have. Like that sticky thing and giving your village hot running water." "Well actually," Varian said, "my alchemy balls are one of the only things that I made that work perfectly." "What do you mean Victor?" Isabel asks. "Well, none of my inventions work out the way I wanted them to with most of them exploding in my face and almost destroying my village." Varian said. "Well why don't you ask for help from your friends and family?" Isabel said to him. "Well, the thing is that I don't have a lot of friends back home and my dad, well," Varian said. "My dad doesn't really believe in my inventions at all."

"What about your mom?" Isa asks, but the silent look on Varian's face made her realize the answer to her question. "I'm sorry for your loss. But are you sure that there was one invention you made that was successful?" "Well, there was one, The Element Remogrifier, but that's a long story." Varian said. "Tell me, I have time." Isa asks and Varian begins to talk about an invitation he made months ago, where he created a new kind of element, despite causing a vortex to appear. "You create a new element." Isabel said. "That's so cool." "It is, but it almost causes massive damage in my kingdom, so that is why I don't think of it as a success." Varian said.

"But you still created your own element that's pretty cool right, can you show me how you made it?" Isabel asks him. "I wish I could," Varian said to her, "I don't have the remogrifier with me. Sure I have my original sketch for the device with me, but it's not like I can.." but before Varian can finish his sentence, Isabel grabs his bag and looks inside, pulling out the sketches and begins skimming through it. "I have some of the stuff we need down in my workshop and I can get the rest of the parts at the market." She said "Come on Vic, I'll show you where my workshop is." "Wait, Princess, slow down, what exactly are we doing?" Varian asks, confused about what's going on.

"Isn't it obvious," Isa said, "we're rebuilding your invention." "But it's impossible, it might take us all day." Varian said. "Besides, what if this time it might not work properly and the palace will end up being destroyed?" "Well this time you have my help to help work on it." Isabel said. "Come on, my workshop is this way." And she heads to her workshop , with Varian following behind her, knowing he can't convince her out of it.

A while later, at Isabel's workshop, they got all the parts they needed. Isabel put on her lap coat, asking "Victor" if he wants one, but he said no, and they began to work on the device. As they work the two talk about stuff and tell jokes. They worked and worked until finally, the Element Remorgrifier was finished.

Varian told Isabel how it works and she did what he said and the machine activated

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Varian told Isabel how it works and she did what he said and the machine activated. After it was done spinning Varian reached his hand inside and pulled out a small crystal like rock. Isabel was amazed. "Wow," she said. "That is amazing. I told you it will all work out fine. What do you call this new element, Vic?" "Well Isa," Varian said, "I call this new element Cassandrium. Name after..."

Before he could finish his sentence Varian remembered Cassandra, how she protected him when one of his machines blew up, and how she helped him shut down the remorgrifier to save Corona, and then he remembered how he almost crushed her, along with...

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Before he could finish his sentence Varian remembered Cassandra, how she protected him when one of his machines blew up, and how she helped him shut down the remorgrifier to save Corona, and then he remembered how he almost crushed her, along with the queen, in his automaton. He wondered if Cassandra was alright after that and if she still had the Cassandruim necklace he gave her.

"It was named after an old friend of mine." He said. Isabel asked if they could make a few more Cassandruim, and Varian said yes, just not to turn the wheel too fast. A while later, after they made a handful of Cassandruim, Francisco entered the room saying to Isabel that it was dinner time and Isabel said she was coming. "Well, I guess that means I should get Ruddiger and my things and go." Varian said he put the Cassandruim in his pocket. Feeling a little sad for him, Isabel told "Victor" to wait and ran up to her abuelo. "Um, I was just wondering if my new friend, Victor, can join us for dinner tonight." She asks him. "Friend?" Varian said quietly to himself.

"Of course he can eat with us, I'll ask the staff to put down another plate and table for him now." Francisco said and he left. Isabel looks back at Varian and notices the expression on his face. "What is it?" She asked him and Varian said, "Oh, it's just that it's been a while since I heard somebody called me a friend."


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