Ch 3: From Honey to James

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Peter ignored all of my questions about Skull Rock. Not only that, but he ignored my story about the adult that I saw. He kept saying that growing up was having a negative effect on my brain because of Neverland's atmosphere.

"Peter, I know what I saw."

"No, you don't. I've lived here forever and not once have I seen an adult."

"Well, have you seen others?"

"Other what?"

"People! Humans! Children!"

Peter chose to once again ignore me. He warned me not to talk about this in front of the other Lost Boys if I knew what was best for me.

By the time we returned to the camp, the others managed to skin the boar and get it over an open fire. The skin of the boar was already being soaked in salt water, which was a cleansing ritual when preparing for a new Lost Boy.

"Are you going to the Land of Parents?" I questioned. I clearly did not pay the best attention to my surroundings because all of the Lost Boys looked over.

Peter just nodded as he pulled out his dagger and cut off a piece of the boar meat.

"While there is an adult in Neverland?"

In the blink of an eye Pan's dagger went from cutting pieces of meat from the boar to my throat. His once brown eyes glowed red with anger.

"Badger, the closest thing to an adult in Neverland is you." Pan snapped.

The discomfort from the other Lost Boys was contagious. The children hid behind the older teens, who were already armed with their makeshift weapons. If a fight were to break out here I wouldn't survive.

Stinky seemed to be the only Lost Boy who was unaffected by the situation. He wedged his little body in between Pan and I and created a much-needed distance.

"Honey, can you help me get some meat?" Stinky asked.

My eyes never left Pan's as I pulled Stinky close to me. If Pan wasn't going to protect these boys I would.

Things seemed to calm down within the camp once I played my part and started serving the meat. Though the chatter amongst the Lost Boys was loud, whispers could be heard among the older kids. Details of the hunt and rumors that Pan was going to force me back to the Land of Parents sooner than later.

"Is it true? Are you really going to fight Peter to stay?" Stinky asked concerned in between bites.

"Don't be silly Stinky," I said as I patted him on the head.

Truth be told I will go willingly to the Land of Parents. Once I make sure that there are no adults in Neverland. And once all of the Lost Boys go to sleep I will personally make sure of it.

Before leaving I made sure to cover Stinky in my honey badger skin. Just in case something goes wrong he has something to remember me by.

Sneaking through the hunting grounds should have been second nature. I am so used to being the hunter in these woods, yet I had this nagging feeling that I was being followed. The uneasy feeling caused me to stop and look back.

With eyes red with anger and a dagger in hand, the shadowy figure of Pan was flying a few feet behind me. His smile showed a set of fangs that were not previously there. In the blink of an eye, Pan became demonized.

"You done it now, James?"

James, a name I haven't heard since living in the Land of Parents. Hearing my birth name caught me off guard, but not enough to miss Pan's attack. As Pan flew at me with his dagger pointed forward I was able to counter him with my machete.

His eyes grew wide in surprise when I took my free hand and punched him in the face. The growl that left his body was terrifying. It was a growl telling me that Pan wanted to kill me.

"Peter, please," I begged. "I don't want to fight you, I just want to find the adult that I saw. I know he is at Skull Rock."

"Don't you see, James? There are no adults here. Once a Lost Boy becomes an adult, I kill them."

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