Taehyung closed his eyes feeling sleeping in his protective hold and softly suck on his feed. Jin hums a little and slowly yet softly caressed taehyung face to make him sleep properly. All other jeons just stare at them all the time and this little taehyung is too cute for their hearts.

Jimin and Lisa is lost in their own world. They both are looking at them with intense eyes and badly wants to replace Jin with them. Unknown emotions are lingering in their minds just for their baby.

" Joon baby I want lactating pills right now". Jin said suddenly to namjoon which make all of them surprised but still no one speak and namjoon nodded and quickly take out his phone from his pocket and called his hospital staff members to order lactating pills .

" we also want". Both jimin and Lisa said on same time and no wonder other jeons are already guessing that it may be coming so namjoon nodded and tell his staff to quickly parcel those pills on given address. Namjoon cut the call and again focused looking at his baby cheeks.

" look at him. He look so adorable while sleeping". Jungkook said in whisper tune and bite his lips to stop his smile while staring at his little baby. Other jeons nodded with smiles on their faces and one thing they got know that they smiles a lot just when the taehyung enters in their lifes.

All are silently cooing at him with heart eyes just the bell rings which make taehyung startle in his sleep. Jin quickly pat his silky hairs and pushed his nipple more in his baby mouth making him calm. Namjoon went out from there and then come after taking some time.

" why you come so late ". Yoongi asked in whisper tone not wanting to ruin his precious baby sleep. Namjoon smirk and sat on sofa man spreading his legs and darkly said. " had to finish business with someone who dares to disturb our baby sleep". He said wiping little blood from his hand and hearing him other smirk back at him.

" jimin baby can you get some water". Namjoon said softly to jimin who nodded and left toward kitchen. Jimin return with a water jug in his hand and poured water in glass. Namjoon take some pills and handed to Jin who gulp them with water." Here you guys also take". Namjoon said giving pills to jimin and Lisa who take them with excited face and quickly gulp them with water.

" these pills will start working after some hours". Namjoon explain them some things which all bottoms hear very carefully and time to time nodded at him.


It's midnight and still are the jeons are here in taehyung house and still staring at him like some creep. Taehyung is now sleeping peacefully in jimin embrace and Jimin is holding him close to his chest. All the jeons are in taehyung room. The room is small and cute but jeons manage themselves there.

Jimin and taehyung are laying on his bed and Jimin hug him so closely

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Jimin and taehyung are laying on his bed and Jimin hug him so closely. All other jeons placed some carpets on room floor and settle themselves on it. Suddenly jimin felt heaviness in his chest and whimper in pain which got all attention." what happened love are you okay". Yoongi said worriedly and scoot closer to jimin.

Jimin slowly and carefully placed taehyung head on pillow and sit on bed now facing his all family members." my chest is paining a little". Jimin said messaging lightly his boobs and yoongi with worried eyes placed his own hands on jimin chest and started to caressed them softly.

" Nothing to worry I think you start lactating Minnie". Namjoon said and Jimin eyes lit up and quickly open his shirt button and pulled his black bratelle out and throw messily in room. Yoongi and other chuckled at jimin eagerness and hyper behaviour. Jimin chest is naked to everyone eyes but they less care and he pressed his boobs and squeeze them lightly.

Milk started to gush out from his boobs and travel to his tummy.
" Omo now I can feed my baby". Jimin explain happily and hug yoongi in his happiness. Yoongi smile and nod his head and said. " yes feed him as much as you can but you start lactating then why they don't start yet". He said with raise eyes brows and Jin and Lisa nodded at him because these two was about to ask the same thing.

" sometime it happened. Don't worry they will start soon in some minutes ". Namjoon calmly said and that's what happened after sometime Jin and Lisa also start lactating which make them so happy. Suddenly taehyung stirr in his sleep and sleepy whine left from his lips but jimin quickly scoop him in his arms and gently guide his bud toward taehyung plushy plump lips and pressed on them.

Taehyung quickly open his mouth and started to suck eagerly in his sleep and unknowingly scoot himself closer to jimin. Jimin held him close to his boobs and pat his head while feeding his baby. He is feeling so euphoric and blessed by having his baby this close to him.

Other jeons are staring at him with loving eyes and there eyes just can't able to look anywhere from taehyung because he is looking so angelic while sleeping. His beauty is just out of world and totally perfect but this beauty is just for them.... just for the jeons. Taehyung is belong to this jeons family.... Only to them.

Jungkook eyes are getting darker and darker at each passing second and he just wants taehyung with him life every second. Suddenly he says something staring at taehyung creepily,which make all jeon's smile evily and mind filled with psycho thoughts by hearing jungkook.....

" let's take our little beauty with us".


Ignore mistake and enjoy.

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Yandere family ( taekook).Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora