Chapter 4

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My home and office are finally finished. Tomorrow I will be moving in.

We were sitting at dinner, and discussing plans for tomorrow.

Bruno was given the job of helping me move in, since he is the only one with a free day.

Alma finished the meal with a smile and properly welcomed me as a new member of the community.

Pepa and Julieta decided we should have a sleep over, since this will be my last night as a guest in Casita.

As soon as dinner and the clean up were done, the two girls dragged me out of the kitchen. They sent me to the guest room to get changed for the night, then we made our way to Julieta's room.

We spent a good portion of the night talking about guys and our hopes for the future.

Pepa and Julieta were talking about the guys they had fallen in love with. The guys that will become their husbands in the future. I listened to them with a soft smile on my face.

Then they turned to me.

"So Y/n," Julieta began. "Do you have your eyes on any guys?"

"So what if I do?" I replied impishly, a light smirk on my face.

"Come on! We need details! Who is he? Do we know him?" Pepa asked.

"Don't you guys know everybody in the Encanto?" I deflected, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Well yeah, but that doesn't narrow it down for us." Julieta answered.

"We just want to know if he's good enough for you Y/n! Now spill!"

"I'm not telling you who it is! It doesn't matter anyway. I'm the only counselor here remember? I can't date a patient! And nearly everyone here will eventually be a patient of mine!"

"Oh...I hadn't thought of that." Julieta said thoughtfully.

"You can at least tell us what he is like...unless you have a crush on one of our guys! Is it Felix? I swear if you hit on him!" Pepa began thundering.

"Relax Pepa! It's not Felix! He's a great guy, but too outgoing for my taste! And no, Agustin is a great guy too, but not my type either."

Both girls relaxed at that and began earnestly attempting to get me to tell them who I have a crush on.

"So you like less outgoing guys than my man?" Pepa asked slyly.

"Still don't narrow it down for you. Everyone in the Encanto is less outgoing the Felix!" I laughed. Pepa shrugged with a grin.

"So what is your type?" Julieta inquired.

"Sounds like she likes introverts." Pepa stated.

"Well, yeah. I can handle people in small groups, but not too any. That's when things get a bit too crazy for me! All I will say is he is a sweet, quiet guy, with a heart of gold."

"Who is also hot!" Pepa exclaimed.


"You're not denying it Y/n." Julieta stated calmly.

"Well, of course I think he's hot. But like I said, it doesn't matter. Even if he doesn't end up as my patient at some point, there's no guarantee that he'll be interested in me." I replied, looking down at my lap.

"Any guy would be interested in you!" Pepa started. "You're smart and nice, and pretty. You help people feel better and actually listen to people."

"You are a sweetheart, even Mama likes you."

The girls went on explaining why they think my crush could develop a crush on me too.

I just shook my head at their antics, as they went back to trying to find out who I like.

The last thing I want is for them to realize I am in love with their brother. I'd never hear the end of it. I changed the subject by feigning exhaustion, reminding them I would be busy tomorrow.

The next day, Bruno and I made our way to my office, with my apartment above it.

The main floor has the waiting room, my office, and a kitchen off to the side. My office is fully soundproof, a demand that I had, in case future Madrigals got other sensory gifts.

When Alma asked, I explained that there are still four senses that no one possesses gifts for yet. If Bruno could receive a gift focused on his eyes, what's to say another Madrigal might be gifted in other senses.

No reason to inform her about Dolores.

The upstairs was a modest set up. The stairs came from the kitchen that was beside the soundproof office. The stairs opened up to a cozy little living room. I had a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom.

Bruno had been surprised when I informed him about the soundproofing.

"You never know what gifts a future Madrigal might get." I stated, and Bruno gave me a peculiar look. I shrugged, a cryptic smile on my face.

I escorted him through my new kitchen and up the stairs to explore my apartment.

He stated my new home was pretty small, causing me to laugh.

"Bruno!"I gently admonished. "Every home would look small compared to Casita! Besides, it's only just going to be me here anyway." He gave me an unreadable look.

"What if you fall in love and want to get married?" He asked. My smiled dimmed a little.

"I don't know if that will happen, at least at this point. Practically everyone in the Encanto will end up being my patients at some point. Can't exactly date a patient can I?" I asked.

"No. I-I suppose not." He mumbled quietly.

"It is possible once I've been here a while, and people don't require me as much, I can find someone." I said equally as soft.


We were silent for a few minutes, sitting in my living room and relaxing since we had a free day.

When I first arrived, I hadn't really expected his reaction to me. I knew he was a good man. A kindhearted man. But I hadn't expected him to be so relaxed with me, a complete stranger.

I had resigned myself to seeing him slightly distrustful with me. Not in the way his mother and Pepa would be. More like he would expect me to treat him like the villagers do. Like I would look down on him because of his visions or his friendships with rats.

Bruno came off as super shy in the movie. Was it his normal personality? Was it from years of being looked at like a harbinger of doom? Or was it his ten years without human contact that made him seem so shy?

I had originally thought it was his regular personality. That he had been like that all or most of his life.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question Bruno?" I asked. He turned to me, the wary look I had expected in his eyes.

"Why have you been so trusting of me?" I asked. I could tell that my question wasn't what he had expected.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You sort of come across as being wary of people. Like you expect them to look down on you. So, why was it different with me, in the beginning? I was a stranger after all, you had no reason at the time to trust my intentions."

"O-oh. Well, I kind of had some visions about you. Arriving to the Encanto. I could tell you would be important to the village, to my family. You came here to heal us right?" He paused and I nodded. "The first vision showed all of us looking happier and calmer than we have ever been. It showed you with us; it was a nice vision. The other showed what would have happened if we had kicked you out. Mama was angry in that vision. Pepa was storming like I've never seen, and even Julieta looked sad and lost..." He trailed off.

"What about you? Were you in the vision as well?"

"Y-yeah...I looked depressed. wasn't a good vision."

"I'm guessing you were the one to convince your mother to give me a chance? Thank you Bruno. I really appreciate your help. When I met her, I expected her to kick me out, so thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself to you and your family." His eyes softened, and he gave me a gentle smile.

"It's going to be strange, you know? Not having you at Casita anymore, I mean. You've been here for five months now, and you were there everyday. I got so used to seeing you at meals, and having you help clean. It'll be strange." He spoke up, fiddling with his ruana.

"I'll still be over at Casita a lot, at least 4 days a week, you know. And my door is always open to you Madrigals, day or night. You've all been such wonderful hosts to me; it's the least I can do."

"You can still come over for meals sometimes too...I-I mean, if you want. You don't have to!"

"Thank you Bruno. Just let me know when you guys want me over and I'll clear my schedule." I smiled at the fidgety man that I had fallen in love with.

"Okay," He smiled back before standing up. "A-Anyway, I better head home. Will we still have my session tomorrow?"

"Of course, Bruno. Same place, Same time." I answered. He smiled and nodded before I showed him out. I watched as he walked down the road.

I had closed up for the night, my thoughts swirled in my head.

I knew I wouldn't get any rest, so I decided to go for a walk to hopefully clear my head.

I hope the silence of the night will help.

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